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Server administration deployment of a new VM

Damiano Giampaoli edited this page Nov 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

This document describes the deployment of a virtual machine on an ESXi server

In order to properly manage the ESXi Server 2 tools are essentials:

VMware vSphere Client

This tool is needed for the administration of the Server and all of the Virtual Machines loaded on it.

The operations can be performed are:

Create new virtual machines Start/Stop virtual machines Configure virtual hardware Monitoring the virtual HW resources used by a single VM Monitoring the physical HW resources of the sevrer In order to use the vSphere Client properly exactly the same version as the server must be used.

The proper client can be downloaded directly from clicking on Download vSphere Client (you must accept the unknown SSL certificates)

VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client

This tool is needed to upload existing VM to the server.

Although a VM could be directly created on the ESXi server (using the vSphere client) often is useful upload an existing VM created with client player (VBox Player or VMware player).

With this tool can be performed the following operations:

Upload any VM format stored on a client PC on the remote ESXi server Migrate VMs from an ESXi server to another (src VM must be turned off in this case) Virtualize Physical sevrer ...and much more stuff...

The vCenter Converter Client can be downloaded here . The suggested version is the 5.5

!!! WARNING 12/09/2014 !!!

In order to upload a VM and beeing able to manage it from the vSphere client remember to upload it as version 9 and not 10 (that is the latest)

The upload workflow of the converter will ask you for which version use. pay attention.

How to assign a Failover IP to a Virtual Machine

Step 1 - Generate a virtual MAC address and assign it to a VM

In order to be able to assign an IP address to a server a MAC address must be associated to that IP.

In case of Virtual server (our case) a virtual MAC must be generated and assigned to the Virtual Machine.

The generation and association process must be performed using the server manager web application provided by OVH.

Once the Virtual MAC is generated it must be assigned to the Virtual Network Interface using the vSphere Client

  1. Turn off the Virtual Machine
  2. Right click on the VM and select "Edit Settings..."
  3. Select the configured Network Adapter and on the left panel click on Manual
  4. Paste the exadecimal MAC address in the text field
  5. Press OK and restart the VM.

Step 2 - Assign the IP to the VM

After having assigned the right MAC address to the VM is now the time to assign the IP to that network Interface. If the VM has Linux as OS this can be done dealing with the interface configurations files.

All the steps needed are well explained here both for Debian-like and CentOS distributions.

Please follow exactly all the indication about the GATEWAY, NAMESERVER and NETMASK configurations in order to avoid temporary IP banning from the provider.