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Concept notes GUI design guidelines

Damiano Giampaoli edited this page Nov 2, 2015 · 1 revision

The information contained in this page are standard guidelines for a UNREDD Portal. Every portal that will be built within the UNREDD Initiative has to consider them at making layout and graphics related decisions.

Customers' related requirements have to be considered, discussed with the team and documented in order to keep track of the reasons.

A Portal can have:

  • an introductory pop up that can be used to introduce the country, the National UNREDD or REDD+ project related initiatives or other related activities already under going in the country;
  • information buttons whether required to present additional information about the various data and features available on the portal.

A Portal has to have:

  • a header made of a banner aimed to host national flag, logos / flags of local authorities involved in the initiative, UNREDD logo;
  • a footer for providing national or project information as well as utilities to be used by the end users - e.g. SLMS mailing list to post a question or get answers from others;
  • a toolbar to be used to host the languages selection buttons, the feedback facility, the time series slider for showing time related changes to the selected layers;
  • a legend section to make it easier the analyses of the selected layers;
  • a section to show the available layers, activate or deactivate them;
  • zoom in and out buttons;
  • One transparency slider for each layer

Best practices:

  • layers with a simple legend (only one symbol, i.e. country boundaries) should have a small legend next to the layer label
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