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The library contains multiple image filter for usage with a webgl context. It is based on the work from Dominic Szablewski WebGLImageFilter. Licence information could be found here.

A further interesting project for webgl image manipulation is glfx.js by @evanw.


The API of the library is quite simple. It comprises the functions addFilter, apply and reset.

  • addFilter(filterName, [opt_args]) allows to add one or multiple filter to a filter chain. With every addFilter call a filter is added to the internal filter chain.
  • apply(gl, canvas) this applies the filterChain to the given WebGLRenderingContext and HTMLCanvasElement. The filter are applied in the order attached to the filter chain.
  • reset() clears the internal library cache. This function should be called before a new filter chain is constructed.

Example code:

var gl = webglContext.getGL(),
    canvas = webglContext.getCanvas();

glif.addFilter('contrast', 2);
glif.apply(gl, canvas);

More examples could be found in the example section. Also there is a demo.


  • blur( opt_size=1 ) blur with size in pixels
  • brownie() vintage colors
  • brightness( opt_brightness=1 ) change brightness. 1 increases the it two fold, -1 halfes it.
  • contrast( opt_contrast=1 ) change contrast. 1 increases the it two fold, -1 halfes it
  • convolution( matrix ) apply a 3x3 convolution matrix (Array[9])
  • colorMatrix( matrix ) apply a the 5x5 color matrix (Array[20]), similar to Flash's ColorMatrixFilter
  • desaturateLuminance() desaturate the image taking the natural luminace of each channel into acocunt
  • detectEdges() detect edges
  • emboss( opt_size=0 ) emboss effect with size in pixels
  • hue( opt_hue=0 ) rotate the hue, values are 0-360
  • kodachrome() vintage colors
  • negative() invert colors
  • polaroid() polaroid camera effect
  • saturation( opt_saturation=0 ) change saturation. 1 increases the it two fold, -1 halfes it
  • sepia() sepia colors
  • sharpen( opt_amount=1 ) sharpen
  • shiftToBGR() shift colors from RGB to BGR
  • sobelX() detect edges using a horizontal sobel operator
  • sobelY() detect edges using a vertical sobel operator
  • technicolor() vintage colors
  • vintagePinhole() vintage colors


For updating the closure dependencies run:

python lib/closure-library/closure/bin/build/ --root_with_prefix="src ../../../../src" > src/glif-deps.js

For building the library run:
