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Slushhost Config Instructions

These instructions are intended for setting up a CentOS 6 64-bit server image from Digital Ocean. They may work for other hosts, but probably not a different Linux OS.

Accounts & Password Document

Create a plain-text document on your computer with the following items:

  • root password
  • your user account password
  • MySQL root password
  • MySQL user name
  • MySQL user password

If you're moving from another server:

  • Path to the site on the old server
  • Old server user name with root permissions
  • Old server IP address
  • Old server MySQL root password
  • Old server database name

I would also advise adding a few lines:

mysql -u[your root username] -p[your mysql root password]

Just makes life easier than typing it every time. When I refer to pasting something in, its going to be from this text document.

You may want to copy the command lines below and go ahead and replace all the items in [ ] brackets with the correct information.

Set up SSH Keys

Hit enter after each command. Assume you haven’t already created SSH keys yet, on your computer:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Hit enter at file and passphrase prompts.

sudo vi ~/.ssh/
  1. Copy contents of file.
  2. At Digital Ocean dashboard, go to SSH keys.
  3. Click the “Add SSH Key” button
  4. Give the key a name and paste in the key into the Public SSH Key field.
  5. Click the “Create SSH Key” button
  6. Go to Droplets
  7. Click the Create Droplet button
  8. Select options for your droplet, be sure to select the SSH Key

Initial Server Setup

ssh root@[your server's IP address]
echo -e "[your password]\n[your password]" | passwd

Paste in new root password at each prompt


Paste in the following lines:

read -p "Please enter the new username: " username
read -p "Please enter the new user password: " userpassword
adduser $username
echo -e "$userpassword\n$userpassword" | passwd $username
echo $username'	ALL=(ALL)	ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
sed -i 's/#Port 22/Port 880/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin without-password/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i 's/#UseDNS yes/UseDNS no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo "AllowUsers $username" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
/etc/init.d/sshd reload

Press Escape, then Shift ZZ to save and exit the file.

chmod +x

On your computer, open Terminal and type:

sudo vi ~/.ssh/

Copy the contents of this file.
Open another tab in Terminal

ssh -p 880 [your username]@[your server's IP address]
sudo vi

Paste in the following lines:

while [ "$scriptloop" = "y" ]; do
echo -e  ""
echo -e  ""
echo -e  "Server Setup:"
echo -e  ""
echo -e  "1 - Add SSH keys"
echo -e  "2 - Create git Keys"
echo -e  "3 - Check github connection"
echo -e  "4 - Build, install, and configure git"
echo -e  "5 - Clone slushhost github repo"
echo -e  ""
echo -e  "q - Exit Installers"
echo -e  ""
echo -e  "Please enter NUMBER of choice (example: 3):"
read choice
case $choice in
sudo mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo -e "Paste in the contents of the file from your local computer."
read -p "Hit enter to paste the SSH key."
sudo vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chown $USER /home/$USER ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chmod go-w /home/$USER ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
read -p "Please enter your email address: " email
sudo ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -C "$email" -N ''
sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/.ssh/
sudo chmod 0700 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo chmod 0700 ~/.ssh/
echo -e "Copy the following SSH key"
echo -e "Go to Github, click the Edit Your Profile button, and go to SSH keys"
echo -e "Click the Add SSH Key button, paste in the SSH key and give it a name."
echo -e "Click the Add Key button."
echo -e "When your finished, on server, press escape, then Shift ZZ to save and exit the file."
read -p "Hit enter to see the SSH key."
sudo vi ~/.ssh/
ssh -T
sudo yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo yum -y install zlib-devel perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker asciidoc xmlto openssl-devel
wget -O
cd git-master
make configure
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make all doc
sudo make install install-doc install-html  
read -p "Please enter the user name to use for git: " gituser
read -p "Please enter the email address to use for git: " gitemail
sudo git config --global "$gituser"
sudo git config --global "$gitemail"
sudo git config --list
git clone
sudo chmod +x slushhost/
sudo chmod +x slushhost/
sudo chmod +x slushhost/
sudo mv -f slushhost/bash_profile.txt ~/.bash_profile
echo - "Unknown choice! Exiting..."

Press Escape, then Shift ZZ to save and exit the file.

sudo chmod +x


After running the installs bash script for MariaDB:

Hit enter to bypass the initial password prompts.
Hit y to setup a password for MySQL Paste in MySQL root password at each prompt Say yes to all options
Paste in MySQL root password Paste in MySQL username Paste in MySQL user password Hit the up arrow to get the last command again, this time, choose option 4

Install & Config SELinux

To install and configure SELinux, run this command:


Run each option in order. The server will reboot after each option. Wait about 60 seconds, then hit the up arrow to get the login command again. Once you've reconnected to the server, hit the up arrow again to reopen the SE Linux config script.

Manage Sites

To check the SE Linux stats, add sites, install WordPress, import and export databases, and move sites from another server, run this command:


ToDo List:

  1. Research more secure iptables config

  2. Backups?

  1. Connect SELinux and nginx - not currently working for CentOS 6

not yet - wait for this to work properly with CentOS 6

sudo yum -y install selinux-policy-targeted selinux-policy-devel
cd /opt
sudo wget '' 
sudo tar -zxvf se-ngix_1_0_10.tar.gz
cd se-ngix_1_0_10/nginx
sudo make
sudo /usr/sbin/semodule -i nginx.pp 


The configuration files for the slushhost server







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