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A Redis shell (REPL) using a query language similar to C#'s LINQ syntax extension.


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A REPL to run queries against a Redis database using a language similar to C#'s from clause.




  • works with Redis 5 or newer
  • supports the basic Redis data types: string, list, hash, set and sorted set
  • allows you to write queries in a relational manner to examine the data stored in your Redis instance
  • supports well known operations like cross join and sub-queries as well as aggregations like sum, avg, distinct, count, min and max
  • is able to extract JSON values using JSON-Path
  • works on any desktop platform
  • only supports query (read) commands - use redis-cli for writing to the database


  • Download and extract the release zip file fitting your platform to any directory
  • From this directory, run redis-q to connect to redis at localhost:6379
  • To connect to a different host or port, enter redis-q <hostname>:<port>
  • redis-q --help shows all command-line options


Assume you create a sample data set in your redis instance (using redis-cli) consisting of users and sessions, where one user is associated to n sessions:

SET user-1 '{ "name":"bob" }'
SET user-2 '{ "name":"alice" }'
HSET session-1 user-key user-1 status open startTime "2022-04-01 22:03:54"
HSET session-2 user-key user-1 status closed startTime "2022-03-29 20:14:02"
HSET session-3 user-key user-1 status closed startTime "2022-03-30 21:03:51"
HSET session-4 user-key user-2 status closed startTime "2022-03-30 19:22:51"
HSET session-5 user-key user-2 status open startTime "2022-04-01 19:22:30"

Now start redis-q and enter the following query to join users and sessions:

from userKey in SCAN("user-*")
from sessionKey in SCAN("session-*") 
where HGET(sessionKey, "user-key") == userKey 
   && HGET(sessionKey, "status") == "open"
let sessionStart = HGET(sessionKey, "startTime")
select (user: userKey, loggedInSince: sessionStart);
user    loggedInSince      
user-2  2022-04-01 19:22:30
user-1  2022-04-01 22:03:54

The following query will display id ('key') and name of users that are currently logged in:

from userKey in SCAN("user-*")
let openSessionCount = 
    from sessionKey in SCAN("session-*") 
    where HGET(sessionKey, "user-key") == userKey 
    where HGET(sessionKey, "status") == "open" 
    select sessionKey 
    |> count()
where openSessionCount > 0
let userJson = GET(userKey) 
select (key: userKey, name: userJson[".name"]);
key     name 
user-2  alice
user-1  bob  


redis-q (or more precisly RedisQL, the query language employed by redis-q) uses a slightly extended subset of C#'s LINQ syntax extension:

RedisQL adds the following language features not supported by C#:

Feature Example
F#-like argument pipelining [1,2,3] |> join(',')
Ranges collect(0..100)
Single-quoted or double-quoted string literals 'hello' + ", world"
List expressions [1, true, 'string']
Regex operator "abc" =~ "\w{3}" // true
Top-level let statements let x = 1
The limit clause from ... limit 10 offset 1 ...
Case-insensitive function names SCAN('*') is the same as scan('*')

Basics and operators

RedisQL supports the following operators, basically a subset of the common operators found in C, C# or Java:

Operator Description
condition ? a : b a if condition is true, otherwise b
a == b Test for equality
a != b Test for inequality
a < b Less than
a <= b Less than or equal
a > b Greater than
a >= b Greater than or equal
a =~ b String-like value a matches the regex pattern b
a !~ b String-like value a does not match the regex pattern b
a + b Add numbers a and b or concatenate strings, if a or b is a string
a - b Subtract number b from number a
a * b Multiply numbers a and b
a / b Divide number a by number b
a % b Modulo of numbers a and b
a ?? b a if not null, otherwise b

Automatic type conversion: integer is automatically converted to real in expressions like 1 + 2.5. When operators require a string-like type, RedisQL converts operands implicitly to string.

The from expression

Like C#'s from expression, RedisQL's from is a lazy iteration construct that enumerates all values in the source collection and binds each value to the iterator identifier.

Simple example: from x in 1..3 select x selects the identity of the source range 1..3, the numbers 1, 2 and 3. In this case, the range 1..3 is the source collection and x is the iterator identifier.

The source collection may be any enumerable value: ranges, lists and enumerables produced by functions or other from expressions.

The selection may be any expression using any bindings declared by the from expression, e.g. from x in 1..3 select x + 1, which selects 2,3 and 4.

Nested bindings allow storing of intermediate results withing the from expression:

from x in [1,2,3]
let s = x * x
select (base: x, squared: s);
base  squared
1     1      
2     4      
3     9      

Carthesian products ("cross joins" in SQL) can be produced by chaining from clauses:

from x in [1,2,3]
from y in [10,11]
select (x: x, y: y, product: x * y)
x  y   product
1  10  10     
1  11  11     
2  10  20     
2  11  22     
3  10  30     
3  11  33     

Filtering of enumerables can be achieved using the where clause:

from x in [0,1,2,3,4]
where x % 2 == 0
select x

Ordering of items can be achieved with the orderby clause:

from x in [15, 4, -10, 30, -22]
let squared = x * x
orderby x
select (x: x, squared: squared)
x    squared
-22  484    
-10  100    
4    16     
15   225    
30   900    

To reverse the sort order, use the descending keyword: from x in 1..10 orderby x descending select x basically is the same as 1..10 |> reverse().

Limiting the result set can be achieved with the limit clause, which is familiar from SQL:

from x in [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10] 
where x % 2 == 0 
limit 3 offset 1 
select x;

Note that the offset clause is optional and the default offset is 0.

When working with large data sets, including a limit clause in all queries against keyspace-scans (like keys() or zscan()) is good practice.

As in C#, you can use the group by clause to group results based on common criteria:

from x in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
group x by x % 2 into g
select g;
key  values          
1    [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] 
0    [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

2 element(s)

The target identifier (in this example g) is assigned a tuple with fields (key, values). One of the first samples in this documents - collecting open sessions per user - can be rewritten like this, using the group by clause:

from userKey in SCAN("user-*") 
from sessionKey in SCAN("session-*") 
where HGET(sessionKey, "user-key") == userKey 
where HGET(sessionKey, "status") == "open"
group sessionKey by userKey into g 
let userJson = GET(userKey) 
select (key: g.key, name: userJson[".name"], openSessions: count(g.values));
key     name   openSessions
user-2  alice  1           
user-1  bob    1           

2 element(s)

Functions and Pipelining

redis-q features a collection of built-in functions, which can be invoked as usual in languages like C or Java:


All Redis-specific functionality in redis-q is built using functions. A full list of supported functions can be found below.

One feature taken from F# comes in handy for a REPL: the possibility to pipe arguments to a function call using the |> operator. The above sample can also be written like this:

[1,2,3] |> count()

The operand preceding the |> operator is passed as the last argument to the function on the right. This enables fluent typing of expressions like

from x in [1,2,3,2,1]
select x
|> distinct();

or the following:

from x in [15, 4, -10, 30, -22]
let squared = x * x
orderby x
select squared
|> join("+");

Since v0.3.0, redis-q also supports defining user functions. See 'Bindings' below for more info.

Data Types

RedisQL is a dynamically-typed language supporting scalar values like integers or strings as well as composite values like lists, enumerables and tuples.

Scalar types

RedisQL supports the following scalar data types:

Name Description Literal
int 64 bit signed integer 100 or 1_000_000
real 64 bit floating point 12.5 or 1_125.000_001
string unicode string of arbitrary length "hello" or 'world'
bool boolean value true or false
timestamp date and time see below
duration a time span see below

Redis values are implicitly converted to the type required by the operation. Redis keys are implictly convertible to string.

Conversion to Boolean

All RedisQL values except tuples and lazy enumerables can be converted to boolean:

Type false if
list empty
string empty
integer 0
real 0.0
bool false
any null
duration zero

Enumerables, List and Ranges

Enumerables in RedisQL are lazily evaluated, whereas lists are discrete collections (as in dotnet IEnumerable vs. IList or in Stream vs. Collection in Java). Enumerables and lists are displayed differently: 1..3 evaluates to

Enumerated 3 element(s)

while [1,2,3]; evaluates to

[1, 2, 3]

The expression 1..3 denotes a Range, which is a simple enumerable over an inclusive range of integers.

The from expression usually produces an Enumerable, except when it is nested in another from expression. In the latter case, it always evaluated eagerly and produces a List:

from x in [1, 2, 3]
from y in [10, 100, 1000] 
select x * y;


from x in [1, 2, 3]
let m =
    from y in [10, 100, 1000]
    select x * y
select m;
  [10, 100, 1000]
  [20, 200, 2000]
  [30, 300, 3000]

Lists, opposed to Enumerables, can be indexed using the subscript operator:

let l = [100, 200, 300];

The index can either be an integer or a range to extract a sub-list (slice) from the list:

[100, 200]


Tuples are composite values consisting of at least two elements like (1, "abc"). In contrast to lists, tuple elements are called fields and can be named:

let user = (name: "bob", role: "admin");

redis-q displays collections of uniform tuples in tables:

> let users = [(name: "bob", role: "admin"), (name: "alice", role: "guest")];

name   role 
bob    admin
alice  guest

Tuple fields can be accessed either by index or by name (if the tuple has named fields):

let user = (name: "bob", role: "admin");
let userName =;
let userRole = user.role;


let user = (name: "bob", role: "admin");
let userName = user[0];
let userRole = user[1];

The null value

The null literal signals the absence of a value.

let george =
    from k in KEYS('user-*')
    where GET(k)[".name"] == "george"
    select k
    |> first();
// user george does not exist, so first() returns null

Arithmetic operators applied to at least one null operand yield null as result:

1 + null == null;

In string concatenation, null is equivalent to the empty string "":

"abc" + null == "abc";

Aggregation function like sum or avg ignore null values in enumerables.

null converted to bool is false.

Timestamp and duration values (since v0.2.0)

The function timestamp("2022-05-01 12:04:55.123", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") creates a value of type timestamp. deconstruct(ts) returns a tuple that allows access to year, month, day etc:

> timestamp("2022-05-01 12:04:55.123", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
2022-05-01 12:04:55 +02
> deconstruct(it);
(year: 2022, month: 5, day: 1, hour: 12, minute: 4, second: 55, millisecond: 123)

The function duration(1, 's') can be used to create duration values:

> duration(1, 's');
> duration(10, 'ms');

Use convert(unit, value) to convert durations into total hours, seconds or milliseconds:

> duration(10, "ms");                                             
> convert("ms", it);

Additive operations work on timestamp and duration values: You can add durations to timestamps and to other durations.

The function now() returns the current timestamp.

> now();
2022-05-15 19:05:22 +02

JSON Support

redis-q supports querying JSON objects using JSONPath (see and the subscript syntax for strings:

let json = "{ foo: 'bar', answer: 42 }";


Values extracted from JSON are translated to their corresponding RedisQL types, so a JSON integer values becomes a RedisQL integer, a JSON array becomes a RedisQL list etc.


Bind values anytime in the REPL's top most scope using the let statement:

> let multiplier = 100;
> let numbers = [1, 2, 3];
[1, 2, 3]
> let products = from n in numbers select n * multiplier |> collect();
[100, 200, 300]
> let userNames = from k in SCAN("user-*") select GET(k)[".name"] |> collect();    
[alice, bob]

The last evaluation's result can be recalled using the identifier it:

> 1 + 1;
> it;
> it + 1;

It's best to bind top-level values to discrete lists instead of enumerations so the value can be iterated multiple times using the it identifier. This is why the collect() function is used in the preceding samples.

Since v0.3.0, redis-q supports function expressions:

> let carthesian(itemsA, itemsB) =
    from a in itemsA
    from b in itemsB
    select (a: a, b: b);
carthesian(a, b)
> carthesian(0..1, 0..1);
a  b
0  0
0  1
1  0
1  1

The body of a function consists of a single expression. To enable top-level let bindings in functions, redis-q 0.3.0 supports the F#-like let .. in .. expression:

> let a = 100 in
  let b = 200 in
  a + b;

This is a single expression which defines two bindings: the value 100 is bound to identifier a and the value 200 is bound to identifier b.

To define a function that stores intermediate results in bindings, you can write

let randomRange(maxLength) =
    let lower = random(0, 1000) in
    let upper = lower + random(0, maxLength) in
    lower .. upper;

REPL shell commands (since v0.2.0)

Command Description
#q; Quits the REPL
#h; Displays all available functions
#pwd; Displays the current directory
#cd <DIR>; Changes to the directory <DIR>
#ls; Lists all file system entries in the current directory
#dump; Prints all top-level bindings

REPL shell commands (since v0.3.0)

Command Description
#load <FILE>; Loads and interprets RedisQL source from <FILE>

Built-in functions

Note that from v0.2.0 on, function names are case-insensitive. Redis functions are defined in upper-case and common functions in lower case. Case sensitivity can be enforced with a new command line parameter -c.

Common functions

Signature Description
size(list|string) -> int Returns the number of elements in the list or string
count(enumerable) -> int Returns the number of elements produced by the enumerable
int(any) -> int Converts any value to int or returns null
real(any) -> real Converts any value to real or returns null
bool(any) -> bool Converts any value to bool or returns null
string(any) -> string Converts any value to string
lower(string) -> string Converts a string to lower case
upper(string) -> string Converts a string to upper case
match(input: string, pattern: string) -> list Returns a list of all groups matched in input by the regex pattern
collect(enumerable) -> list Enumerates all values in an enumerable and collects them in a list
join(separator: string, coll: enumerable) -> string Enumerates all values in an enumerable and aggregates them in a string, separated by the first argument
distinct(enumerable) -> enumerable Yields all distinct values in an enumerable, removing duplicates
sum(enumerable) -> value Returns the sum of all values in the enumerable
avg(enumerable) -> number Returns the average of all values in the enumerable, which must only contain numbers or null values
min(enumerable) -> value Returns the minimum of all values in the enumerable, which must only contain numbers or null values
max(enumerable) -> value Returns the maximum of all values in the enumerable, which must only contain numbers or null values
first(enumerable) -> value Returns the first non-null value in enumerable or null if none found
any(enumerable) -> bool Returns true if there is at least one non-null value in enumerable, otherwise false
reverse(enumerable) -> enumerable Yields all values in the enumerable in reverse order
sort(enumerable) -> enumerable Yields all values in the enumerable sorted, with strings > numbers

v0.2.0 adds a lot of functions, see the inline help by entering #h; in the REPL for more. Highlights include functions to create and convert timestamp and duration values, standard math functions and clip (copy to clipboard) as well as save (save value to file).

Redis functions

Redis Command, see Signature
EXISTS (key) -> bool
GET (key) -> value
GETRANGE (key, start: int, end: int) -> value
HEXISTS (key, field: value) -> bool
HGET (key, field: value) -> value
HGETALL (key) -> list of tuple(name: string, value: value)
HKEYS (key) -> list of keys
HLEN (key) -> int
HMGET (key, list of field: value) -> list of value
HSCAN (key, pattern: value) -> enumerable
HSTRLEN (key, field: value) -> int
HVALS (key) -> list of value
KEYS (pattern) -> enumerable
LINDEX (key, index: int) -> value
LLEN (key) -> int
LRANGE (key, start: int, end: int) -> list
MGET (list of keys) -> list of values
RANDOMKEY () -> key
SCAN (pattern) -> enumerable
SCARD (key) -> int
SDIFF (key, key) -> list of value
SINTER (key, key) -> list of value
SISMEMBER (key, value) -> bool
SMEMBERS (key) -> list of value
SRANDOMMEMBER (key) -> value
SSCAN (key, pattern: value) -> enumerable
STRLEN (key) -> int
SUNION (key, key) -> list of value
TYPE (key) -> string
ZCARD (key) -> int
ZCOUNT (key, minScore: real, maxScore: real) -> int
ZRANGE (key, start: int, end: int) -> list of value
ZRANGEBYSCORE (key, minScore: real, maxScore: real) -> list of value
ZRANK (key, value) -> int
ZSCAN (key, pattern: value) -> enumerable
ZSCORE (key, value) -> real

More language features

throw Expressions

Just like C#, RedisQL supports the throw expression:

(keys("sysinfo-*") |> any()) || throw "no sysinfo found!"

Any value can be thrown, though it is best practice to throw strings, since the thrown value will be presented to the user.

In contrast to c#, throw expressions may appear anywhere, not just in ternary expressions or on the right side of the null-coalescing operator.

So this is possible, though it does not make too much sense:

1 + throw "why not?"

Build and Run

  • Install .net SDK 6.0 or higher
  • Clone the repository
  • From the repo source directory, run
    dotnet run --project src/RedisQ.Cli
  • Per default, redis-q connects to Redis at localhost:6379, but you can pass a different connection string when executing redis-q. Run
    dotnet run --project src/RedisQ.Cli --help
    to see all command-line options.