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London Tube live status from your terminal using the TFL API.



Using Homebrew

brew tap smallwat3r/scripts \
  && brew install tubestatus

Manual install

To run tubestatus you will need to install jq

brew install jq          # macos
sudo apt-get install jq  # debian / ubuntu


git clone \
    && cd tubestatus && sudo make install 

or (without cloning)

sudo wget \
    -P /usr/local/bin && sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/tubestatus

How to use it?

Run tubestatus in your terminal to view the status of all the lines. You can also search for specific lines by running tubestatus <contains>. Run man tubestatus for more details.

For the one-liner lovers out there

curl -s ",overground,dlr/status" |
  jq --arg delim "¬¬¬" -j '.[] |
  (.name) + $delim, (
      .lineStatuses[0] | (.statusSeverity),
      $delim + (.statusSeverityDescription),
      (if .reason then $delim + (.reason | gsub("[\\n\\t]"; "")) + "\n" else "\n" end)
  )' |
  awk -F "¬¬¬" -v delim="¬¬¬" -v r="$(tput setaf 161)" -v b="$(tput setaf 39)" \
      -v y="$(tput setaf 226)" -v g="$(tput setaf 118)" -v gr="$(tput setaf 243)" \
      -v n="$(tput sgr0)" '{
      if ($4) reason=$4; else reason="";
      if ($2 == 10) color=g;
      else if ($2 == 20) color=gr;
      else if ($2 == 0) color=b;
      else if ($2 >= 8) color=y;
      else color=r;
      print color "●" n, $1 delim $3 delim reason;
  }' |
  column -t -s "¬¬¬"