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FendoDB timeseries database


FendoDB is a fork of the OGEMA timeseries database (SlotsDB), adding the following features:

  • multiple database instances
  • tagging time series / adding semantic information
  • a full-fledged REST interface
  • administrative shell commands
  • query statistics about individual time series and groups of time series
  • a visualization tool
  • supports Java permissions
  • besides the default one-file-per-day mode, other base intervals can be configured, such as hours, weeks or months

It is best used with OGEMA, but can be integrated in a standalone Java-application as well. Some features are only available when used with OGEMA (REST user permissions, visualization), or at least with OSGi (REST interface, shell commands). See Usage.

FendoDB requires Java 8 or higher.

Getting started

Using Docker

See the Docker instructions.

Using OSGi

Download the run configuration rundir-ogema-felix, and start it using one of the provided start scripts (see for more information on configuration options). The rundir contains the compiled FendoDB bundles in the folder init.

Use the REST interface or the shell commands to create a database instance and to add data points, or open the visualization page at https://localhost:8443/org/smartrplace/slotsdb/visualisation/index.html in the Browser.

See the Wiki for more information.

API reference

There is a Java API and a REST interface, and in addition a set of shell commands for the Gogo OSGi shell.


Prerequisites: git, Java and Maven installed.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. In a shell, navigate to the base folder and execute mvn clean install -DskipTests


Apache License, Version 2.0