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Shell commands

cnoelle edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 3 revisions

FendoDB provides a set of Gogo shell commands, in the namespace fendodb. In order to see the list of all available commands, type help in the shell, or help fendodb:getfendodbs to get further information about a specific command.

Below is an overview of the fendodb-commands. Note that most of the commands take additional parameters (mandatory and/or optional ones), which are not listed here. Use the help command to find out.

  • fendodb:addproperty - add a property to timeseries; does not remove previous values for the same key (cf. setproperty)
  • fendodb:closefendodb - close a database
  • fendodb:copyfendodb - copy a fendoDB instance; note that this may be a time consuming operation
  • fendodb:deletedataafter - delete all data (in all timeseries of a specific database) after a specific timestamp
  • fendodb:deletedatabefore - delete all data (in all timeseries of a specific database) before a specific timestamp
  • fendodb:deletedataolderthan - delete data older than a specific temporal amount
  • fendodb:fendodbdump - create a database dump (in xml, json or csv format)
  • fendodb:fendodbexists - check if database with a specific id exists
  • fendodb:findtimeseries - search for timeseries in a specific database, e.g. by a property, or simply retrieve all timeseries ids in the database
  • fendodb:getallproperties - print all properties available in the database
  • fendodb:getallpropertyvalues - print all property values for a specific key in the database
  • fendodb:getfendodbconfig - get the configuration for a specific database
  • fendodb:getfendodbs - list all database instances
  • fendodb:getfendodbtimeseries - list all timeseries in a database
  • fendodb:getpropertiesbyid - get all properties of a single timeseries
  • fendodb:getreferencecount - this is an internal administrative command; counts the number of references to the database object
  • fendodb:isfendodbactive - check if a database instance is currently in use
  • fendodb:openfendodb - create a database instance, if it doesn't exist yet
  • fendodb:printtimeseries - print timeseries values
  • fendodb:removeproperty - remove a property from a timeseries
  • fendodb:setproperty - set a property for a timeseries; removes existing values for the same property key (cf. addproperty)
  • fendodb:tagfendodbdata - apply standard properties to timeseries in a specific database
  • fendodb:taglogdata - if fendoDB is used as OGEMA datalogger: apply standard properties to timeseries in the logging instance
  • fendodb:updateconfig - update a database configuration; note that this may be very time consuming (if, for instance, the folder base unit is changed, all data must be copied)


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