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David Nestle edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 1 revision

OpenWeatherMap connector

Reads weather forecast data from, and writes the forecasts to the respective resources. The driver does not provide a user interface, for the time being.

Icon An API key is required for this driver, please register at The key must be set as system property (e.g. in the rundir file config/

   * org.ogema.drivers.openweathermap.key*


Register a service dependency to the interface org.ogema.apps.openweathermap.OpenWeatherMapApplicationI, and create an environment setting as follows


OpenWeatherMapApplicationI owmUtil;
void start(ApplicationManager appManager) {
    Room environment = (Room) owmUtil.createEnvironment("kasselEnvironment", "Kassel", "de");

The connector will create a set of resources including a TemperatureSensor, SolarIrradiationSensor and HumiditySensor, with the respective forecast schedules, and write the schedule values periodically.


Properties that are evaluated (see

Property key Value Default Explanation
org.ogema.drivers.openweathermap.getWeatherInfoRepeatTime long value, interpreted as time interval in ms 600000000 (10 min) Irradiation schedule calculation period



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