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Releases: smaugmuds/xsmaug

XSMAUG Phoenix Release

15 Sep 08:29
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Contents of the Release

- src:              Source files.
- doc:              Documentation.
- xsmaug.conf:      XSMAUG Server Config File.
- xsmaugd:          XSMAUG Server Boot Script.
- tools:            Developer tools.
- data/realm:       Realm Area files.
- data/areaconvert: Convert New Realm Area files.
- data/aucvaults:   Auction Vault files.
- data/player:      Player files (initially empty).
- data/vault:       Guilds Vaults
- data/races:       Races files.
- data/gods:        God players.
- data/deity:       Realm Deities.
- data/councils:    Councils files.
- data/classes:     Classes files.
- data/clans:       Clans files.
- data/shops:       Clans Shops files.
- data/boards:      Boards files.
- data/corpses:     Death players corpses (initially empty).
- data/houses:      Player house files.
- data/mudprogs:    MUD Program files.
- data/system:      MUD Game System files.
- data/building:    Building System files.
- data/classes:     Player Class files.
- data/color:       MUD Color files.
- data/hotboot:     Fast boot config files.
- data/crash:       Crash files.
- data/motd:        Message files.
- data/web:         Web Site & MUD dumped HTML Files.


Here are just some of the extra features XSMAUG has:

- Full featured, bug-free command-line online building
- (including shops, resets, repairshops, etc)
- Optional easy to use menu-based online building
- Damageable and repairable equipment
- MUDPrograms/scripts (mob, obj and room programs)
- Monsters that will remember you, hunt you down, and summon you
- Levers, switches, pullchains, buttons and traps
- Searchable hidden objects and doors
- More flexibility to command syntax
- Delayed teleport rooms, tunnels
- Clans, pkilling, guilds, orders and councils
- Revamped experience and skill/spell learning system
- Unlimited bulletin boards that can be added online
- Private mail and comments on players
- Automatic daily scheduled rebooting
- Advanced immortal heirarchy
- Complicated monsters with stats, attacks, defenses and bodyparts
- Resistances, Immunities and Susceptibilities
- More spells, more skills, more classes, more races
- Weapon proficiencies
- Pipes and herb smoking
- Full featured container commands... fill, empty, etc
- Extra exits - ne, nw, se, sw and more -
- Special exit flags, floorless rooms (falling)
- More room, mob and object flags, class restricted items
- Languages, improved string hashing code
- All kinds of 'spelled equipment' support
- A new flexible spell system that allows online creation and editing
- Object grouping, items hidden under other items, layered clothing
- The ability to dig up and bury items
- Player corpses are saved in case of crash or reboot
- Stable code with hundreds of bug fixes
- A fully configurable deity system
- Many new admin commands such as an extensive ban, immhost ipcompare and more
- Polymorph code that can be added, edited and deleted online
- Different prompts when you are fighting and when you are not
- Pets saving with their owners
- Pet Finding.
- New Healer: set the healer flag on a mob of your choice.
- Configurable color codes online
- Projectiles are fully supported
- Extended bit vectors for when 32 are just not enough
- SHA256 player passwords encryption
- MUD Mapper and Planes
- New Weather System and Calendar
- HotBoot!
- Dump Objects and Mobs to files
- Quest bits added.
- Quest Master.
- Banker: Set the banker flag on a mob of your choice.
- Clans Shopkeepers
- Mounts and much much more

Changes made to areas:

- Major changes to the reset system to fix the problems with the nested put resets.
- Major changes to the shops system.
- All of the stock areas in this package have been updated to support the new format.
- Will not be backward compatible with any SMAUG mud.
- Areas written for Smaug 1.02a, 1.4, and 1.4a should import without a problem and remain compatible.

Realm Areas:

- air.are         daycare.are     gate.are       hollywd.are      mirkwood.are  plains.are    sewer.are
- anthill.are     donjon.are      gauntlet.are   immtrain.are     mobfact.are   prehist.are   shaolin.are
- anvil.are       draconia.are    gilligan.are   jher.are         moria.are     pyramid.are   shire.are
- astral.are      dwarfmines.are  goblins.are    juargan.are      mtdoom.are    rainfrst.are  srefuge.are
- bazaar.are      dwarven.are     gods.are       keepvalor.are    newacad.are   rats.are      thalos.are
- Build.are       eastern.are     grave.are      land.are         newdark.are   redferne.are  tree.are
- canyon.are      elderwood.are   grove.are      lilith.are       olympus.are   rift.are      trollden.are
- catacombs.are   entry.are       gtown.are      limbo.are        one.are       rshouse.are   troy.are
- chapel.are      export.are      gwyn.are       magicschool.are  orchold.are   rtower.are    under.are
- chapelgods.are  fantasia.are    gyard.are      mahntor.are      pblood.are    school2.are   unholy.are
- cloudymt.are    forestpath.are  haon.are       manor.are        pground.are   seatears.are  valley.are
- crystalmir.are  galaxy.are      haven.are      marsh.are        pit.are       sesame.are    void.are
- damara.are      gallery.are     highcliff.are  midennir.are     pixie.are     seven.are     warkeep.are
- warner.are      waymoot.are     weater.are     weed.are         weirdan.are   wyvern.are


* XSMAUG 2.2 -> XSMAUG 2.4

    - Conversion to GNU Package: configure, make, make install
    - Configure checks for cc, gcc, g++, (g)awk, -ldl, -lz, -lcrypt, -lgd, -lmysqlclient, basic c libraries, headers and functions
    - Indented code with GNU style.
    - "LOG_DIR" variable in "mud.h" is now obsolete and has been changed to "LOGDIR" in "config.h"
    - Server logs now goes to system directory "$(localstatedir)/log/xsmaug/"
    - Port XSMAUG from AFKMud 2.1.5.
    - Import Stock SMAUG 1.4a Areas
    - Changes in structure files and directories.
    - Fixed some bugs.
    - Added: Optional HTTP Server to test & publish MUD generated HTML pages with static content.
    - Added: "CMDF( do_version )" based in "config.h" defines.
    - Added: "CMDF( do_petfind )"
    - Added: xsmaug.conf & xsmaugd
    - Updated: "CMDF( do_webroom )" now it accepts "area.are" file as argument.
    - Updated: Tools
    - Updated: Documentation

* XSMAUG 2.1 -> XSMAUG 2.2

    - Conversion to GNU Package: configure, make, make install
    - Configure checks for cc, gcc, g++, (g)awk, -ldl, -lz, -lcrypt, -lgd, -lmysqlclient, basic c libraries, headers and functions
    - Indented code with GNU style.
    - New structure.
    - Server logs now goes to system directory "$(localstatedir)/log/xsmaug/"
    - "LOG_DIR" variable in "mud.h" is now obsolete and has been changed to "LOGDIR" in "config.h"
    - Added: Command "dump" (do_dump)
    - Added: Banker (ACT_BANKER): (do_balance, do_deposit, do_withdraw)
    - Added: Quest Bits (do_abit, do_qbit) & New Quest Master
    - Added: Capture SIGTERM & More signals.
    - Added: Admin list (admin.lst)

* XSMAUG 2.0 -> XSMAUG 2.1

    - Added: Command 'petfind' (do_petfind)
    - Added: New Healer: 'heal' (do_heal)
    - Updated: Makefile
    - Updated: Areas
    - Updated: Documentation
    - Updated: Tools

* SMAUGFuss 1.9  -> XSMAUG 2.0

    - Added: xsmaug.conf & xsmaug-server
    - Added: New Makefile
    - Added: Name Change
    - Added: New Clases & Skills
    - Added: New Imported Areas

Supported Operating Systems

- Linux
- Solaris
- Windows

XSMAUG Phoenix Release

23 Jun 13:44
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Contents of the Release

- src:           Source files.
- doc:           Documentation.
- xsmaug.conf:   XSMAUG Server Config File.
- xsmaug-server: XSMAUG Server Boot Script.
- tools:         Developer tools.
- data/realm:    Realm Area files.
- data/player:   Player files (initially empty).
- data/vault:    Guilds Vaults
- data/races:    Races files.
- data/houses:   House files.
- data/gods:     God players.
- data/deity:    Deities.
- data/councils: Councils files.
- data/classes:  Classes files.
- data/clans:    Clans files.
- data/boards:   Boards files.
- data/corpses:  Death players corpses (initially empty).
- data/mudprogs: MUD Program files.
- data/system:   MUD Game System files.
- data/building: Building System files.
- data/classes:  Player Class files.
- data/color:    MUD Color files.
- data/hotboot:  Fast boot config files.


Here are just some of the extra features XSMAUG has:

- Full featured, bug-free command-line online building
- (including shops, resets, repairshops, etc)
- Optional easy to use menu-based online building
- Damageable and repairable equipment
- MUDPrograms/scripts (mob, obj and room programs)
- Monsters that will remember you, hunt you down, and summon you
- Levers, switches, pullchains, buttons and traps
- Searchable hidden objects and doors
- More flexibility to command syntax
- Delayed teleport rooms, tunnels
- Clans, pkilling, guilds, orders and councils
- Revamped experience and skill/spell learning system
- Unlimited bulletin boards that can be added online
- Private mail and comments on players
- Automatic daily scheduled rebooting
- Advanced immortal heirarchy
- Complicated monsters with stats, attacks, defenses and bodyparts
- Resistances, Immunities and Susceptibilities
- More spells, more skills, more classes, more races
- Weapon proficiencies
- Pipes and herb smoking
- Full featured container commands... fill, empty, etc
- Extra exits - ne, nw, se, sw and more -
- Special exit flags, floorless rooms (falling)
- More room, mob and object flags, class restricted items
- Languages, improved string hashing code
- All kinds of 'spelled equipment' support
- A new flexible spell system that allows online creation and editing
- Object grouping, items hidden under other items, layered clothing
- The ability to dig up and bury items
- Player corpses are saved in case of crash or reboot
- Stable code with hundreds of bug fixes
- A fully configurable deity system
- Many new admin commands such as an extensive ban, immhost ipcompare and more
- Polymorph code that can be added, edited and deleted online
- Different prompts when you are fighting and when you are not
- Pets saving with their owners
- Pet Finding.
- New Healer.
- Configurable color codes online
- Projectiles are fully supported
- Extended bit vectors for when 32 are just not enough
- SHA256 player passwords encryption
- MUD Mapper and Planes
- New Weather System and Calendar
- HotBoot!
- Dump Objects and Mobs to files
- Quest bits added.
- Mounts and much much more

Changes made to areas:

- Major changes to the reset system to fix the problems with the nested put resets.
- All of the stock areas in this package have been updated to support the new format.
- Will not be backward compatible with any Smaug mud that does not employ the reset fix.
- Areas written for Smaug 1.02a, 1.4, and 1.4a should load without a problem and remain compatible.

New Imported Areas:

- sesamest.are
- chess.are
- warner.are
- troy.are
- buds.are
- thalos.are
- prehist.are
- gauntlet.are
- chapelgods.are
- catacomb.are
- bazaar.are
- pground.are
- abyss.are
- kheltower.are
- isledead.are
- hood.are


* XSMAUG 2.1 -> XSMAUG 2.2

    - Conversion to GNU Package: configure, make, make install
    - Configure checks for cc, gcc, g++, (g)awk, -ldl, -lz, -lcrypt, basic c libraries, headers and functions
    - Indented code with GNU style.
    - New structure.
    - Server logs now goes to system directory "$(localstatedir)/log/xsmaug/"
    - "LOG_DIR" variable in "mud.h" is now obsolete and has been changed to "LOGDIR" in "config.h"
    - Added: Command "dump" (do_dump)
    - Added: Quest Bits (do_abit, do_qbit)
    - Added: Capture SIGTERM & SIGKILL signals.

Supported Operating Systems

- Linux
- Solaris
- Windows