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Vulnerability Assessment and Auditing Framework for all the Crypto Implementations.

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###Vulnerability Assessment Framework for all the Crypto Implimentations.

(An Open Source Initiative by - SECURITY MONX )

Lamma Framework Documentation (beta)

    File Name   :   README

    Author      :   @ajithatti

    Org         :   Security Monx

    Version     :   0.0.1

    Purpose		: 	Gives introduction of Lamma Framework (beta)

Table Of Contents :

    A.      Licenses Information
    B.      Introduction to Lamma Framework (beta)
    C.      Dependencies
    D.      Using LAMMA
    E.      Features
    F.      Note
    G.      Contributors

A. Licenses Information

LAMMA Framework (beta) and its documents are covered with NO Licenses.
You are free to use it in any way you want. No conditions what so ever.

For details about the project visit our website

B. Introduction to LAMMA Framework (beta)

LAMMA Framework  (beta) aims to be a comprehensive suite for
auditing cryptography, PKI and related implementations.

    LAMMA (beta) supports 4 major modules

  1. REMOTE - Module scans remote Hosts for SSL/TLS configuration, and reports any gap, vulnerabilities discovered.

        Primary Checks :
        a)  SSL/TLS version, session management & server configurable parameters
        c)  Checks for use of vulnerable/depricated cipher suites
        b)  Server certificate Test
                Verification Type (EV/OV/DV)
                Time line analysis of applicable SSL/TLS vulnerabilities
                Verification, validation
                Information Leaks
                Common Modulus
                Signature algorithm strength
                Alternate Names
  2. CRYPTO - This Module checks the various crypto primitives generated by any underlying framework for Quality, backdoor & sanity. Few of

        Primary Checks :
            Quality Test for Random Number Generated
            Sanity Checks for shared Prime numbers in multiple RSA keys
            Safe and Strong Prime test
            Shared modulus test
            MalSha, Malformed Digest Test
  3. TRUST - Module checks various trust and key stores for - insecure Private keys and untrusted certificates.

        Primary Checks:
        a)  Private Keys
                Stored with/without encryption
                Access permission
                Track multiple instances
                Extract Prime for CRYPTO Module test
        b)  Public Key
                Extract Modulus for CRYPTO Module test
                Track multiple instances
        b)  Certificates
                Check in trutsted store & CRL
                List pinned & untrusted certificate
                Track multiple instances
                Verification, Time line analysis common with REMOTE Module
  4. SOURCE - Module is primalry to enforce "Cryptography Review Board" recommendations of your organisation. This module scans source code for use of insecure and depricated cryptographic schemes.

        a)  Depricated Schemes
                MD Family hashing schemes
                SHA/SHA1 hashes
                ECB/CBC block cipher mode
                rand() or /dev/rand functions
                <More Depricated/Insecure Schemes>
        b) Weak Schemes (Backdoored Schemes)
                < More weaker/backdoored schemes

C. Dependencies : LAMMA needs few Python packes for its functioning. List of the packages required are :

                1.  cmd2  - Runs the custom shell of Lamma

                     pip install cmd2

                2.  subprocess - Invoke Openssl or other scripts

                    pip install subprocess

                3.  pyOpenSSL - Wrapper over OpenSSL

                    pip install openssl

D. Using LAMMA :

  1. kicks off the framework, with a welcome screen and leads to LAMMA prompt

        $> python
                                     __    _____ _____ _____ _____
                                    |  |  |  _  |     |     |  _  |
                                    |  |__|     | | | | | | |     |
                            Vulnerability Assessment and Auditing Framework
                                  for all the Crypto Implementations.
                                       (An Open Source Project)
                                            SECURITY MONX
        LAMMA :
  2. You can view micro help on each of the module using "help module" command

         LAMMA : help trust
               Scans a given trust/key stored for -  untrusted certs, insecure private keys,
         LAMMA : help source
           Scans the source code for known weak or backdoored functions
         LAMMA : help crypto
           Generate keys, hashes, random number under various schemes for a given counts
         LAMMA : help remote
           Scans the remote host and reports the SSL/TLS configuration profile & applicable vulnerabilities
         LAMMA :
  3. To know how tu use each of the module, simply type the module name and you will get elaborate usage help.

        LAMMA : remote
        remote [-H] [-s] [-l] [-o] [-i] [-p] [-h]
        Purpose  : Scan a remote host with given plugin over SSL/TLS connection
            -H [--help]      : prints this usage help
            -s [--script]    : scan the target with given script id or 'all','gen',  or 'reg'
            -l [--list]      : list all the plugins and plugin IDs
            -o [--out]       : reports are stored in this file else default file
            -i [--in]        : input file name with multiple IP:Port specified in each line
            -p [--port]      : port on which SSL or TLS connection is to be made
            -h [--host]      : IP or Domain name of the remote host to be connected
        LAMMA :
  4. Sample usage of "remote" module, We are scanning "" for plugins in gen are results will be stored in final.html file.

        LAMMA : remote -h -p 443 -s gen -o final.html
        [*]  Lamma Scanning Service [Started] ...
        [+]  Parametrs set for this Scan :
             Tests to Run => gen     Target Host =>
             Target port =>  443
             Reports will be stored in file => final.html
        [+] Starting the scan
         Kick gen
        [+] Kick Starting... /home/evader/Desktop/RELEASE/LAMMA/modules/remote-module/gen
            Now Executing:  -h -p 443 -o final.html
            Now Executing:  -h -p 443 -o final.html
        [+] Scanning complete...
        LAMMA :
  5. Output of the "remote" scanning module for ""

         --- Starting Server Config Checks for host - ---
         Server Response :
         HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
         Server: nginx
         Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 18:05:58 GMT
         Content-Type: text/html
         Connection: close
         X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.16
         Certificate Chain validation :
          Cert of  Digital Signature Trust Co. :	is Valid
          Cert of  Let's Encrypt :	is Valid
          Cert of :	is Valid
          Certificate Chain is verified & Trustable
         --- Server Configuration checks Complete...
         --- Scanning host  started ---
         Remote Host name
         Remote Host IPv4 :
         Remote Host Port :443
         Cipher Suite used : ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
         Subject Name =
         Issuer Name = Let's Encrypt Authority X1
         Start Date : 20160313112800Z
         End Date   : 20160611112800Z
         Signature Algorithm : sha256WithRSAEncryption
         [INFO] The Certificates Verification type : DV
         Public Key Size [2048]
         --- End of the SSL Scan ---

E. Features :

The LAMMA project is a work in progress. We are along with many functional features we are trying to stick to these basic principles :

    1.  Simple      :   User need not have deep understanding of cryptography
                    to use this framework. It should be intutive and simple to
                    use with minimu learning.

    2.  Extensible  :    The framework should be extensible. User community should
                    be able to extend the functionalities easily by adding custom

    3.  Indipendent :   The framework itself uses OpenSSL & python wrappers over it
                    but can be used to test the Cryptography, PKI & related
                    implementations, independent of the technology used like (Java,
                    NSS, GnuTLS, SChannel )to engineer them.

    4.  Automation  :   "Large scale assessment of the crpto-implementation, with
                    ease" is our prime focus behind the design of this framework

F. Note :

a.  LAMMA(beta) is living project.
b.  Currently it is build for Linux platform
c.  Code is provided with all the rights and bugs to you without any guarantee or responsibility
    from the author
d.  We welcome bugs, comments, criticsms, contributions or even a simple note on your experience
    with LAMMA (beta). Write to us at

        a j i t [ a t ] s e c u r i t y m o n x [ d o t ] c o m


1.  Ajit Hatti - @ajithatti <twitter handle>


Vulnerability Assessment and Auditing Framework for all the Crypto Implementations.






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