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Creating machine learning model analysis using logistic regression and run the Streamlit apps to predict the probability of having heart attack in future.


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Heart Attack Prediction Analysis


Creating machine learning model analysis using logistic regression and run the streamlit apps to predict the probability of having heart attack in future.

  • Model training - Machine learning
  • Method: Logistic Regression
  • Deployment apps: Streamlit

In this analysis, dataset used from

About The Dataset:

age: Age of the patient

sex: Sex of the patient

cp: Chest pain type, 0 = Typical Angina, 1 = Atypical Angina, 2 = Non-anginal Pain, 3 = Asymptomatic

trtbps: Resting blood pressure (in mm Hg)

chol: Cholestoral in mg/dl fetched via BMI sensor

fbs: (fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl), 1 = True, 0 = False

restecg: Resting electrocardiographic results, 0 = Normal, 1 = ST-T wave normality, 2 = Left ventricular hypertrophy

thalachh: Maximum heart rate achieved

oldpeak: Previous peak

slp: Slope

caa: Number of major vessels

thall: Thalium Stress Test result ~ (0,3)

exng: Exercise induced angina ~ 1 = Yes, 0 = No

output: Target variable 0:"LOW", 1:"HIGH"

Correlation of each dataset:

Prediction accuracy:

By using logistic regression method, we get the percentace of accuracy 87%

How to run the Streamlit apps

You may clone the repository and open the Streamlit apps to test the prediction.

Steps to run the Streamlit apps:

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Activate environment Example: conda activate tf_env
  3. Change directory to your folder path Example: cd C:\Users\snaff\OneDrive\Desktop\project 1\HeartAttack_Analysis
  4. Run streamlit of your folder Example: streamlit run
  5. Streamlit apps will appear automatically on your browser

You may insert the patient information details to check the prediction and click "submit" button for the result.



Creating machine learning model analysis using logistic regression and run the Streamlit apps to predict the probability of having heart attack in future.






