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CoreOS customization toolkit

This Terraform recipes simplifies creation of Container Linux Ignition configs. Typically CoreOS ignition scripts ran once right after installation on clean machines. coreos-customkit allows wiping root partition and rerun new scripts again to cut development cycle. It simulates fast, automated and reproducible CoreOS development environment using iPXE provisioning with Qemu and Matchbox.


  • Linux host machine with KVM
  • Terraform +provider-libvirt +provider-matchbox
  • LibVirt with QEmu configured (virt-manager is also recommended)
  • Docker and Docker-Machine


  • Download CoreOS assets: data/get-coreos
  • Generate Matchbox RPC certificates: ( cd cert; ./cert-gen )
  • Put your ssh key into terraform.tfvars
  • Initialize Terraform plugins: terraform init
  • Launch matchbox first: terraform apply -target docker_container.matchbox
  • Run everything else: terraform apply
  • Wait until CoreOS installed: ssh journalctl -u installer.service --follow
  • docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address= --generic-ssh-user=core coreos-display

Factory reset VM

  • Edit your CL config: cl/display.yaml.tmpl
  • Apply it into matchbox: terraform apply
  • Reboot VM to GRUB
  • Press 'e' and add coreos.first_boot=1 to kernel cmdline
  • Update certs: docker-machine regenerate-certs coreos-display

Run example app on VM

Stock CoreOS distribution have no graphics enable by default. Using this custom CL config we enabled /dev/fb0 and ALSA devices on CoreOS to play videos. terraform apply example will launch mplayer container that streams Big Buck Bounty into VM framebuffer. Open virt-manager to view it.