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Q4-23 - Preparing for the Future of Orlando DevOps Community Group

Closed Feb 10, 2024 100% complete

Q4-23 - Preparing for the Future of Orlando DevOps Community Group


In our second strategic theme, we want to continue the momentum of Q3-23 Laying the Foundation milestone and start preparing for what lies ahead, potentially including a conference event of some sort.


The vision for Quarter Four of 2023 is to continue building and expand…

Q4-23 - Preparing for the Future of Orlando DevOps Community Group


In our second strategic theme, we want to continue the momentum of Q3-23 Laying the Foundation milestone and start preparing for what lies ahead, potentially including a conference event of some sort.


The vision for Quarter Four of 2023 is to continue building and expanding our membership base, and pattern of regular meetings and Lean Coffee / Beers, as well as start to plan for a large 2024 year to include a potential DevOpsDays or similar two-day conference.


  1. Continue a consistent cadence of larger Monthly Meetups with presentations, workshops and more, as well as monthly Lean Events aimed at 10 - 15 people.
  • October 11th Meetup - #14
  • October Lean Event
  • November 8th Meetup
  • November Lean Event
  • December 13th Meetup
  • December Lean Meetup
  1. Acquire minor sponsorships
  • Discuss with ODevs to see what their requirements for named sponsors are.
  • Create a Sponsor Inquiry document/email to formally inquire about a sponsorship
  • Social Media posts asking for some assistance
  • Close a sponsorship - this may require some formal documentation in association with ODevs

GOAL: I'd like to see us get $1000 - $2000 going into next year to help pay for decals, swag, and anything else to build upon. This would NOT be used for anything DevOpsDays (or else conference.)

  1. DevOpsDays Research and Analysis (and maybe some more)
  • Research Venues
  • Start budget planning (reach out to Laura)
  • Document things needing done
  • Make a decision on Q1 2024 event with the analysis
  • [ ]
  1. Increase Visibility
  • Participate in Orlando DevFest - table, survey barcode, sticker distribution, etc.
  • Participate in Agile DevOps East Expo - November 8th & 9th
  • Participate in Live 360 - Orlando - November 12th - 17th

Below this line might be nice to think about but not important to the above - at least at this juncture.


Work hard to achieve objectives!


Alignment should be self-documenting and intuitive.

Risks and Dependencies

[List potential risks or challenges that might impact the successful execution of this theme, as well as any dependencies on other projects, teams, or resources.]


@snohio , @RecoveringChef , @mbuchoff


Completing the tasks associated with this Milestone by December 31st, 2023

Metrics and Measurement

  1. Grow Meetup number by 10% (45 people)
  2. Grow LinkedIn Orlando DevOps Community Group members by 100% (33 Members)
  3. Hold 6 Events
  4. Get 50 More Survey submissions. (currently at 22 - get to 75ish)
  5. Distribute 200 Stickers


Celebrate Successes!!

This milestone is closed.

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