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A Terraform module which deploys a Snowplow S3 Loader application on AWS running on top of EC2. If you want to use a custom AMI for this deployment you will need to ensure it is based on top of Amazon Linux 2.


This module by default collects and forwards telemetry information to Snowplow to understand how our applications are being used. No identifying information about your sub-account or account fingerprints are ever forwarded to us - it is very simple information about what modules and applications are deployed and active.

If you wish to subscribe to our mailing list for updates to these modules or security advisories please set the user_provided_id variable to include a valid email address which we can reach you at.

How do I disable it?

To disable telemetry simply set variable telemetry_enabled = false.

What are you collecting?

For details on what information is collected please see this module:


An S3 Loader requires an input stream, an output stream for corrupted data that cannot be saved to S3 and an S3 bucket to save the data into.

module "s3_pipeline_bucket" {
  source  = "snowplow-devops/s3-bucket/aws"
  version = "0.2.0"

  bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"

module "enriched_stream" {
  source  = "snowplow-devops/kinesis-stream/aws"
  version = "0.2.0"

  name = "enriched-stream"

module "bad_1_stream" {
  source  = "snowplow-devops/kinesis-stream/aws"
  version = "0.2.0"

  name = "bad-1-stream"

module "s3_loader_enriched" {
  source = "snowplow-devops/s3-loader-kinesis-ec2/aws"

  accept_limited_use_license = true

  name             = "s3-loader-enriched-server"
  vpc_id           = var.vpc_id
  subnet_ids       = var.subnet_ids
  in_stream_name   =
  bad_stream_name  =
  s3_bucket_name   =
  s3_object_prefix = "enriched/"

  ssh_key_name     = "your-key-name"
  ssh_ip_allowlist = [""]


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
aws >= 3.72.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.72.0


Name Source Version
instance_type_metrics snowplow-devops/ec2-instance-type-metrics/aws 0.1.2
kcl_autoscaling snowplow-devops/dynamodb-autoscaling/aws 0.2.0
service snowplow-devops/service-ec2/aws 0.2.1
telemetry snowplow-devops/telemetry/snowplow 0.5.0


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.log_group resource
aws_dynamodb_table.kcl resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.instance_profile resource
aws_iam_policy.iam_policy resource
aws_iam_role.iam_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.policy_attachment resource resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_tcp_443 resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_tcp_80 resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_udp_123 resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_tcp_22 resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
bad_stream_name The name of the bad kinesis stream that the S3 Loader will insert bad data into string n/a yes
in_stream_name The name of the input kinesis stream that the S3 Loader will pull data from string n/a yes
name A name which will be pre-pended to the resources created string n/a yes
s3_bucket_name The name of the S3 Bucket to load data into string n/a yes
s3_object_prefix The prefix to store objects within (e.g. good) (Note: trailing forward slashes are automatically removed) string n/a yes
ssh_key_name The name of the SSH key-pair to attach to all EC2 nodes deployed string n/a yes
subnet_ids The list of subnets to deploy the S3 Loader across list(string) n/a yes
vpc_id The VPC to deploy the S3 Loader within string n/a yes
accept_limited_use_license Acceptance of the SLULA terms ( bool false no
amazon_linux_2_ami_id The AMI ID to use which must be based of of Amazon Linux 2; by default the latest community version is used string "" no
app_version App version to use. This variable facilitates dev flow, the modules may not work with anything other than the default value. string "2.2.8" no
associate_public_ip_address Whether to assign a public ip address to this instance bool true no
byte_limit The amount of bytes to buffer events before pushing them to S3 number 25000000 no
cloudwatch_logs_enabled Whether application logs should be reported to CloudWatch bool true no
cloudwatch_logs_retention_days The length of time in days to retain logs for number 7 no
enable_auto_scaling Whether to enable auto-scaling policies for the service bool true no
iam_permissions_boundary The permissions boundary ARN to set on IAM roles created string "" no
initial_position Where to start processing the input Kinesis Stream from (TRIM_HORIZON or LATEST) string "TRIM_HORIZON" no
instance_type The instance type to use string "t3a.micro" no
java_opts Custom JAVA Options string "-XX:InitialRAMPercentage=75 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75" no
kcl_read_max_capacity The maximum READ capacity for the KCL DynamoDB table number 10 no
kcl_read_min_capacity The minimum READ capacity for the KCL DynamoDB table number 1 no
kcl_write_max_capacity The maximum WRITE capacity for the KCL DynamoDB table number 10 no
kcl_write_min_capacity The minimum WRITE capacity for the KCL DynamoDB table number 1 no
max_size The maximum number of servers in this server-group number 2 no
min_size The minimum number of servers in this server-group number 1 no
partition_format The pattern to partition data saved to S3 (e.g. string "" no
private_ecr_registry The URL of an ECR registry that the sub-account has access to (e.g. '') string "" no
purpose Describes the purpose which this S3 loader is being used for (RAW, ENRICHED_EVENTS or JSON). RAW simply sinks data 1:1, ENRICHED_EVENTS work with monitoring.statsd to report metrics (identical to RAW otherwise), SELF_DESCRIBING partitions self-describing data (such as JSON) by its schema string "RAW" no
record_limit The number of events to buffer before pushing them to S3 number 100000 no
s3_format The format of the data to be loaded into S3 ('gzip' or 'lzo') string "gzip" no
scale_down_cooldown_sec Time (in seconds) until another scale-down action can occur number 600 no
scale_down_cpu_threshold_percentage The average CPU percentage that we must be below to scale-down number 20 no
scale_down_eval_minutes The number of consecutive minutes that we must be below the threshold to scale-down number 60 no
scale_up_cooldown_sec Time (in seconds) until another scale-up action can occur number 180 no
scale_up_cpu_threshold_percentage The average CPU percentage that must be exceeded to scale-up number 60 no
scale_up_eval_minutes The number of consecutive minutes that the threshold must be breached to scale-up number 5 no
ssh_ip_allowlist The list of CIDR ranges to allow SSH traffic from list(any)
tags The tags to append to this resource map(string) {} no
telemetry_enabled Whether or not to send telemetry information back to Snowplow Analytics Ltd bool true no
time_limit_ms The amount of time to buffer events before pushing them to S3 number 180000 no
user_provided_id An optional unique identifier to identify the telemetry events emitted by this stack string "" no


Name Description
asg_id ID of the ASG
asg_name Name of the ASG
sg_id ID of the security group attached to the S3 Loader servers

Copyright and license

Copyright 2021-current Snowplow Analytics Ltd.

Licensed under the Snowplow Limited Use License Agreement. (If you are uncertain how it applies to your use case, check our answers to frequently asked questions.)