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Public Dotfiles.

Currently this repo contains the following configs.

  1. Neovim Config.

Future configs.

  1. Vim config
  2. Qtile config.
  3. zsh config.
  4. Tmux.
  5. Alacritty
  6. DMenu
  7. awesome
  8. i3
  9. dwm
  10. And many more.


  1. Install neovim package for nodejs.
    sudo npm install -g neovim
  1. Install neovim package for python (using pip).
    pip install neovim
  1. Run this on terminal to install vim-plug for neovim.
    sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'
  1. Launch nvim.

  2. Run the command to install plugins.

  1. You can check all the requirements by running the following command in nvim.
You will get to actually what is required and what is not installed. Follow the instruction there to get setup the plugins.
  1. Update the following code in file ~/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-smoothie/smoothie.vim. (This must be done after running PlugInstall command in nvim)
   " silent! map <unique> <S-Down> <Plug>(SmoothieForwards)
   " silent! map <unique> <S-Up> <Plug>(SmoothieBackwards)

These two lines of code are present in two places. Just search for the text and comment them out. This is so that Shift+UP and Shift+DOWN key works for beginners to vim for selecting texts.

  1. That's It You are good to go.

  2. If You want help/info about the config. Run the following command in nvim.

    :help sobhanbera


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