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Ovi Trif edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 11 revisions

Got an idea or want to contribute to someone else's? Put it on this page, and put your session at the top of the following list, separated by horizontal bars (use --- in Markdown).

Session Ideas


Hosted by Your Name

In this session we will be working on some amazing things. And talking a lot. You should be there.

Interested: A Pretty Cool Person, And Another, …

Keyboards and other peripherals

Hosted by Wouter

We spend a lot of time using computers, so investing in some decent peripherals might be a good idea. The best way to find out what suits you is trying things out.

So, I'll be bringing some hardware to try out. Feel free to complete this list with whatever you might bring.

Interested: Bernard

Wardley Maps

Hosted by Jeroen Tiebout and Bernard Vander Beken

In this session we will use Mob mapping to get familiar with Wardley Maps. No previous knowledge is needed.

Interested: Michel Daviot, And Another, Ovi Trif

Approval testing

Hosted by Michel Daviot - first timer

We love tests. They provide quick feedback when we broke code. But we also hate writing and maintaining complex assertions. Especially on legacy code.

Approval tests replace this burden with your favorite diff tool. And the tests are then run as usual on your workstation or in the CI.

I think this trick deserves to be better known, it can save a lot of time.

I got hooked to the concept by Falco 2 years ago. At the time the Java library was not really maintained so I started an alternative one which is now used daily in my team.

  • never used approval testing ? we could start with a demo.
  • already use it? we could share practical tips and recent additions, identify shortcomings in the tooling ...
  • maintaining the libraries: we could join forces ! (I already tried 2 years ago)

Interested: Bernard