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Ngnix IngressController with gRPC

In this guide we are going:

  • Configure nginx IngressController on GKE (GCP kubernetes service)
  • Deploy a gRPC service behind the nginx IngressContoller
  • Test the gRPC service using a gRPC client

The content of this guide is based on the following material:

Let's get started from the very early stage in case you don't have the environment ready.

  • Initialize the environment
$ gcloud init
  • Install kubectl
$ gcloud components install kubectl
  • Configure some useful environment variables (change these values accordingly what makes sense for you)
$ export MY_REGION=us-east1 \
export MY_ZONE=us-east1-b \
export CLUSTER_NAME=cluster_name \
export PROJECT_ID=project_id \ #this ID must be the same as your project on GCP
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=service-account #for the purpose of this guide it could be the email address you use to access GCP
  • Configure gcloud
$ gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID \
gcloud config set compute/region $MY_REGION \
gcloud config set compute/zone $MY_ZONE
  • Check your configuration
$ gcloud config list
  • Create the cluster (If it's the first time you are using GKE in this project ID then you'll need to activate "Kubernetes Engine API")
$ gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME --num-nodes 3
  • Get the credentials to work with kubectl
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --zone $MY_ZONE --project $PROJECT_ID
  • Now, lets start configuring the IngressController. Clone this repository:
$ git clone | cd nginx-k8s-grpc
  • Create a service account, a secret with the certificate and configure nginx to use HTTP2
$ kubectl apply -f ./ingress-install/common/ns-and-sa.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./ingress-install/common/default-server-secret.yaml # self signed certificate
$ kubectl apply -f ./ingress-install/common/nginx-config.yaml # http2: True
  • Bind admin credentials to your account
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding $SERVICE_ACCOUNT-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT
  • And then configure the roles to the nginx-ingress service account
$ kubectl apply -f ./ingress-install/rbac/rbac.yaml
  • Deploy the nginx IngressController
$ kubectl apply -f ./ingress-install/deployment/nginx-ingress.yaml
  • Check if it's running
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=nginx-ingress
  • Create the service to get access to the IngressController
$ kubectl apply -f ./ingress-install/service/loadbalancer.yaml
  • Get the External IP address
$ kubectl get svc nginx-ingress --namespace=nginx-ingress # repeat until the external ip is set
  • Edit the file /etc/hosts file and add this IP to the end of the file using this host:
  • Now we are going to deploy the gRPC service and expose it through the nginx Ingress.
$ kubectl create -f grpc-hello.yaml
$ kubectl create -f grpc-ingress-tls.yaml
  • Run the golang gRPC client to test the configuration
$ go run grpc/greeter_client/main.go

If you have question about how to run the Golang gRPC client, access this page:


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