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typed lambda Build Status

an attempt to formalize the event types involved in AWS lambda interfaces

Run code without thinking about servers. Write code without guessing types.

🚧 The provided definitions are currently under construction 🚧

🤔 why

Though there are scattered samples of AWS Lambda events provided by AWS exist but absent of any formal schema describing them. This repository aims to be an accurate a collection of JSON schema documents organized by lambda trigger source that describe event structural types.

So why should anyone care?

  • 👵 Human lives - Each and every AWS Lambda client binding is forced though cumbersome process of redefining these types by hand! If sufficient schema's existed for AWS lambda events, this would no longer be needed as these language bindings could leverage code generation instead.

  • 🔧 Tooling - Tooling for lambda could more easily be synthesized with machine readable information about events

  • 📓 Documentation - Surprisingly what currently exists, is incomplete, and therefore only partially useful

  • 👌 Correctness - Types can provide use to programmers even if your native programming language does not support them. Here is a good example. Types enable productivity by making it less possible to represent mispreprented data.

🔬 schemas

The following are provided lambda triggers ( in order for reference to AWS's documentation on event sources ). The goal here is to define JSON schema docs that line up with these triggers. Contruction of an initial set of schemas is under way under the events directory of this repository. 🙈 As schemas become formalized and tested they will be linked under the trigger sources below for reference.

required fields

Some fields may be absent in events and some may be present with null values. Fields with null should not be included the json schema required field.

👯 get involved

This project AIMS to provide the most accurate reflection of AWS lambda types but is currently a best effort approach as no official documentation exists. If you become aware that fields are missing or incorrect. Please open a pull request containing your changes and an example payload that doesn't match the current schemas

To validate the existing schemas you will need to have npm installed.

Run the following

$ make test

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2018


λ formal type definitions for aws lambda events








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