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Note: Narrator (voice) selection is available for Bing Translator and Yandex TTS only.

Bing Translator

Specify the narrator using the -n option. -n f for female's voice, -n m for male's voice:

$ trans -e bing "Why not test this thing" :yue -p -n f
$ trans -e bing "Why not test this thing" :yue -p -n m

2-letter (uppercase) country code may also be used when applicable, e.g., for Indian English:

$ trans -e bing "Why not test this thing" -sp -n IN


Target language Supported variants
en US, GB (UK), IN (India), AU (Australia), CA (Canada)
es ES, MX (Mexico)
pt PT, BR (Brazil)
fr FR, CA (Canada)
zh CN, TW (Taiwan), HK (Hong Kong)

Gender and country code may be combined with a comma ,

$ trans -e bing "Why not test this thing" -sp -n US,m


Specify the narrator's gender using -n f (for female) or -n m (for male):

$ trans -e yandex "Ничего, были бы кости, а мясо будет" -sp -n f
$ trans -e yandex "Ничего, были бы кости, а мясо будет" -sp -n m

You may also choose a specific speaker instead:

  • Female: jane, oksana, alyss and omazh
  • Male: zahar, ermil
$ trans -e yandex "Ничего, были бы кости, а мясо будет" -sp -n jane

It is possible to specify an emotional intonation of the voice:

  • good or g (friendly)
  • neutral or n (neutral)
  • evil or e (angry)
$ trans -e yandex "Ничего, были бы кости, а мясо будет" -sp -n jane,evil
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