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Installation on Windows for an all Python software

Somayyeh Soltanian-Zadeh edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 3 revisions

1. Install Anaconda with python 3.5

2. Launch Anaconda prompt and type the following in order (pathoffile is the directory to which the provided files were downloaded to):

cd pathoffile
conda env create -f environment.yml -n stneuronet
activate stneuronet
pip install matlab

for TensorFlow with GPU support

pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.4 --ignore-installed

or for CPU-only TensorFlow

pip install tensorflow==1.4 --ignore-installed
pip install niftynet==0.2.0.post1

3. Be sure to have MATLAB Runtime 9.3 installed before going to step 4. (installation link)

4. In Anaconda Propmt type:

cd Python Pkg/for_redistribution_files_only/Windows10/
python install

5. Proceed to this page to override some files of the niftynet package with the ones we provide.