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Library/tool to change a yaml given a rules file

Using jsonpath ( ), this tool shows how to transform a yaml source using simple rules

The rules file is a yaml map, the keys being only names.

  • 'set' rule: set/update values (single value, or whole yaml section) within nodes that match a first-level matching JsonPath expression values need not be applied to the matching node itself : a 'subpath' jsonpath expression allows to chose on which subnode you want to set values.

         # Syntax:
         - name_of_rule: whatever
           # match is a node selector, starting at your document root ($)
           # For some hints on Jsonpath syntax, you can have a look for example at
           #  Here the selector targets all items in the 'containers' array
           match: "$..spec.containers[*]" 
                   # Here you may have multiple groups of values you want to apply
                   # for each, you select the subnodes of your matching node (so here, '$' is not the root
                   # of your document, but the yaml node that matched the 'match' jsonpath expression)
                  - subpath: $
                    # Here you provide IMPERATIVE values that will override the potential ones with same name
                    # in your selected subnodes . This values can be simple types or multi-level yaml objects
                      someField: a value
                         a_subfield: true
                         other_subfield: 42
                  - subpath: $.some_items_collection[*]
                       all_my_subitems_get_an:  A
  • 'deleteChildrenThatMatch' rule: removes array children or keys from nodes that match a first-level matching JsonPath expression.

     When applied to an Array, the children to remove are those matching a second-level matching JsonPath (syntax following arrays conditional within the '[]' JsonPath construct)
         # Syntax:
         - name_of_rule: whatever_delete_rule_name
           # match is a node selector, starting at your document root ($)
           #  Here the selector targets only some some 'containers' in my array
           # And for these containers, it will remove port 8080 from their ports list
           # For some hints on Jsonpath syntax, you can have a look for example at
           match: "$..spec.containers[?(@.my_container_type_field==needs_ports_trimming)]" 
           deleteChildrenThatMatch: "?(@.ports[?(@.target_port==8080)])"
     When applied to a Map Object, this rule can also allow to remove a single key by its name. But in this case, wildcard or conditions based on the object content are not supported (only a single fixed key is removed)
         # Syntax:
         - name_of_rule: whatever_delete_attribute_rule_name
           # match is a node selector, starting at your document root ($)
           #  Here the selector targets  all 'containers' items
           # and will remove their 'imagePolicy' attribute
           # And for these containers, it will remove port 8080 from their ports list
           match: "$..spec.containers[*]" 
           deleteChildrenThatMatch: "$.imagePolicy"

As an example, see "rules_example.yaml", and "myfile_to_transform.yaml"


   yaml-transform <rules yaml file path> <document yaml file path>

try out:

   ./yaml-transform  rules_example.yaml myfile_to_transform.yaml

This will output transformed yaml file to stdout


Library/tool to change a yaml given a rules file







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