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2024 Objectives Breakdown

Lucy Hyde edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 1 revision
User Experience Task Champion
User Experience Improve SONiC User experience and support to include reporting issues, platform visibility by owners, periodic issue/PR scrubs Empty
User Experience Implement mechanism to notify platform owners about build failures/test failures on respective platforms Empty
User Experience Dedicate a User Advisory Group to provide feedback and define requirements, handle feature intakes based on volunteer availability, promote UAG feature requests via routine hackathons Empty
User Experience Enablement of deployments (common and enterprise) via creation of subgroups to support enablement Empty
Developer Experience Task Champion
Developer Experience Reduced deferred list of features from release commitment; Manage release content and deliveries more frequently. Raise flags and avoid last moment updates; Have the feature reviewers aligned to the review schedule and ensure what is available by one month before the release date is completed. Empty
Developer Experience Setup working group to facilitate technical discussion around delegation of initial HLD reviews prior to general community review, decrease HLD review time and increase feedback on HLD, implement review process for working groups to report to the TSC Empty
Developer Experience Improve Pull Release handling by the community; Create guidelines around PR turnaround; Automatic Labeling of PRs; tagging PRs to Reviews/Working Groups; Improve overall attention to PRs and improve SII for developer metrics Empty
Developer Experience Increase code hygiene; Include but not limited to: Automated code styling on CL submission; removal of dead code; Making common scenario based test infrastructure and tests available to the community Empty
Developer Experience Build and implement process to expedite proposals/approvals through the TSC to include a timeline and documentation to include where proposals should be handled (via TSC or via PR), submission requirements, and final results Empty
Product Quality Task Champion
Product Quality Revive Performance Test Lab Initiative Empty
Product Quality Create ability to test on real hardware as a part of PR checks to avoid degradation not managed/handled by VS image Empty
Product Quality Publish clear guidance on Image Release and Maintenance Process and responsibility to include guidance on Release Notes and on Feature Quality Mark Empty
Security Task Champion
Security Create and support a Security Working Group to handle information dissemination as it relates to known vulnerabilities Empty
Security Share security/vulnerability scanning with the broader community Empty
Security Leverage open-source or other governance components/tools in security scanning Empty
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