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563 lines (370 loc) · 19.7 KB


File metadata and controls

563 lines (370 loc) · 19.7 KB

File format converter


.. graphviz::

    digraph {

      NNabla1 [label = "NNabla", style="filled, rounded", fillcolor="lime", shape="box", width=1.3, height=0.8, fontsize=16];
      NNabla2 [label = "Use NNabla as\nRuntime", style="filled, rounded", fillcolor="lime", shape="box", width=1.2, height=0.6, fontsize=12];
      Other [label = "Other\n(Caffe2 etc.)",style=rounded, shape="box", width=1.3, height=0.8, fontsize=12];
      ONNX1 [label = "ONNX", style=filled, fillcolor="mediumslateblue", shape="box", width=0.7, height=0.2, fontsize=12];
      ONNX2 [label = "ONNX", style=filled, fillcolor="mediumslateblue", shape="box", width=0.7, height=0.2, fontsize=12];
      Conv1 [label = "File Format\nConverter", style="filled, rounded", fillcolor="lime", shape="box", width=1.3, height=0.8, fontsize=16];
      Conv2 [label = "File Format\nConverter", style="filled, rounded", fillcolor="lime", shape="box", width=1.3, height=0.8, fontsize=16];
      NNP1 [label = "NNP", style=filled, fillcolor="cyan", shape="box", width=0.7, height=0.2, fontsize=12];
      NNP2 [label = "NNP", style=filled, fillcolor="cyan", shape="box", width=0.7, height=0.2, fontsize=12];
      NNB [label = "NNB", style=filled, fillcolor="cyan", shape="box", width=0.7, height=0.2, fontsize=12];
      CSRC [label = "C Source\ncode", style=filled, fillcolor="mediumseagreen", shape="box", fontsize=12];
      TF1 [label = "Tensorflow\n(.pb,ckpt,.tflite,\nsaved_model)", shape="box", style="filled, rounded", fillcolor="yellow", width=1.3, height=0.8, fontsize=12];
      TF2 [label = "SavedModel,\nPB, TFlite", style=filled, fillcolor="yellow", shape="box", width=0.8, fontsize=12];
      OtherRuntime [label = "Other runtime", shape="box", style=rounded, width=1.2, fontsize=12];
      NNablaCRuntime [label = "NNabla C\nRuntime", style="filled, rounded", fillcolor="lime", shape="box", width=1.2, fontsize=12];
      Product [label = "Implement to\nproduct", shape="box", style=rounded, width=1.2, fontsize=12];
      Tensorflow [label = "Tensorflow", shape="box", style=rounded, width=1.2, fontsize=12];

      NNabla1 -> NNP1 [minlen="2"];
      NNP1 -> Conv2;
      Other -> ONNX1 -> Conv1;
      Conv1 -> NNP1 [constraint="false"];
      Conv2 -> ONNX2 -> OtherRuntime;
      Conv2 -> NNB -> NNablaCRuntime;
      Conv2 -> CSRC -> Product;
      Conv2 -> NNP2 -> NNabla2;
      TF1 -> Conv1;
      TF1 -> Conv1 [constraint="false"];
      Conv2 -> TF2 -> Tensorflow;

File format converter will realize Neural Network Libraries (or Console) workflow with ONNX file format, and also NNabla C Runtime.

File format converter has following functions.

  • Convert NNP variations to valid NNP
  • Convert ONNX to NNP
  • Convert NNP to ONNX
  • Convert NNP to NNB(Binary format for NNabla C Runtime)
  • Convert NNP to Tensorflow saved_model
  • Convert Tensorflow checkpoint, frozen graph or saved_model to NNP
  • Convert NNP to Tensorflow Lite
  • Convert NNP to INT8 quantized Tensorflow Lite
  • Convert Tensorflow Lite to NNP
  • Experimental: Convert NNP to C Source code for NNabla C Runtime

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This file format converter still has some known problems.


.. graphviz::

   digraph {
      INPUT [label="<<file>>\nINPUT", style="filled", fillcolor="lime", shape="box", fontsize=12, width=1.6];
      OUTPUT [label="<<file>>\nOUTPUT", style=filled, fillcolor="lime", shape="box", fontsize=12, width=1.6];
      PROCESS [label="Process\n(Split, Expand, etc.)", style=rounded, shape="box", fontsize=12];
      proto [label="proto", style=filled, fillcolor="cyan", shape="box", width=0.8, height=0.3,  fontsize=12];

      INPUT -> proto [taillabel="import"];
      proto -> OUTPUT [headlabel="export"];
      subgraph {
         proto -> PROCESS [dir = "both", minlen="2"];

This file format converter uses protobuf defined in Neural Network Libraries as intermediate format.

While this is not a generic file format converter, this is the specified converter for Neural Network Libraries.

This converter can specify both inputs and outputs for ONNX file, but if ONNX file contains a function unsupported by Neural Network Libraries, it may cause error in conversion.

This converter also provides some intermediate process functionalities. See :ref:`Process`.


Before using this converter, please use command pip install nnabla_converter to install nnabla_converter.

Note that, flatbuffer package is necessary for TFLite export, please check Tensorflow Lite section in this page for more details.


Supported Formats


NNP is file format of NNabla.

NNP format is described at :any:`../../format`.

But with this file format converter is work with several variation of NNP.

  • Standard NNP format (.nnp)
  • Contents of NNP files(.nntxt, .prototxt, .h5, .protobuf)

NNB is compact binary format for NNabla C Runtime. The file format is shown as the following diagram:


There are several concepts, such as buffer, variable, function, input and output in this file. Each of them is represented as a list. Each list is recorded with 2 members: number of object, and index in memory block table. The index points to the position in a memory block index table. The index in memory block index table points to the start address of memory data block.

It is designed for nnabla-c-runtime.

C Source Code

File format converter supports C source code output for nnabla-c-runtime.


Bridged by onnx, tensorflow import and export is supported with some limitations.

As for the importer, 4 formats tends to be supported:
  • .pb, tensorflow frozen graph format
  • .ckpt, tensorflow check point format version 1
  • .ckpt.*, tensorflow check point format version 2
  • saved_model, tensorflow saved_model format

As for the exporter, some of Neural Network Console projects are supported. See :any:`Model_Support_Status`. The output of converter is tensorflow saved_model format.

Tensorflow Lite
For export to tensorflow lite, please install flatbuffers package:
  • For Windows platform, download package from FlatBuffers and extract.
  • For Linux platform, use command snap install flatbuffers to install flatbuffers.
  • For MaxOS platform, use command brew install flatbuffers to install flatbuffers.

and add the executable file flatc to the system PATH.

After exporting TFLite, a json file with the same name will be generated, recording whether the input and output of the TFLite network need to be transposed to channel_last according to base_axis.

INT8 quantized Tensorflow Lite

You should also install flatbuffers package. Please refer to the installation above. You need provide a represent dataset to the converter if you want to convert nnp to int8 quantized tflite. Represent dataset is a subset of training dataset, about 2% - 10% of training data. You can collect represent dataset in your training loop. It should be saved as numpy's .npy format. Here's an example:

rdataset = []
# suppose this is your training loop
for step in range(max_step):
    image, label =
    x.d = image
    # your code
    # ...
rdataset = np.array(rdataset).astype(np.float32)'represent_dataset.npy', rdataset)

Of course, you can create represent dataset by any way you like, but please ensure the shape of each item is equal with the shape of network's input and you have finished the necessary preprocess.


Expand Repeat and Recurrent

Neural Network Console supports LoopControl pseudo functions RepeatStart, RepeatEnd, RecurrentInput, RecurrentOutput or Delay.

Currently, these functions are not supported by Neural Network Libraries directly.

The file format converter expands the network and removes these pseudo functions by default.

If you want to preserve these, specify command line option --nnp-no-expand-network when converting files.

Split network

You can split network with --split option.

See :ref:`Splitting network` to use this functionality.


NNP Operation

Convert NNP to NNP

Sometimes we need to convert NNP to NNP.

Most major usecase, expand repeat or recurrent network supported by Neural Network Console but not supported by C++ API.

$ nnabla_cli convert input.nnp output.nnp

Convert console output to single NNP file

Current version of Neural Network Console outputs .nntxt and .h5 as training result.

Then we need to convert separated files into single NNP and parameters store with protobuf format.

$ nnabla_cli convert net.nntxt parameters.h5 output.nnp

Convert console output to single NNP file without expanding Repeat or recurrent.

$ nnabla_cli convert --nnp-no-expand-network net.nntxt parameters.h5 output.nnp

Keep parameter format as hdf5

$ nnabla_cli convert --nnp-no-expand-network --nnp-parameter-h5 net.nntxt parameters.h5 output.nnp

Everything into single nntxt.

$ nnabla_cli convert --nnp-parameter-nntxt net.nntxt parameters.h5 output.nntxt

ONNX Operation

Convert NNP to ONNX

$ nnabla_cli convert input.nnp output.onnx

If specify output onnx opset 9, please use the following (default is opset 7):

$ nnabla_cli convert input.nnp output.onnx -d opset_9

Convert ONNX to NNP

$ nnabla_cli convert input.onnx output.nnp

Currently, opset 7,9,10,11 are supported to import.

C Runtime Operation

Generally, it is better to set the batch size to 1 when convert file to C runtime. If the batch size is larger than 1, it is necessary to process the batch size data collectively To make the batch size 1, add -b 1 to command line option.

Convert NNP to NNB

$ nnabla_cli convert -b 1 input.nnp output.nnb

Convert NNP to C source code

$ nnabla_cli convert -b 1 -O CSRC input.onnx output-dir


C-runtime library supports binary(or fixed point) weights, which can dramatically downsize the model (and footprint). See :any:`compress_network` for how to quantize your model.

Tensorflow Operation

Convert NNP to Tensorflow saved_model

$ nnabla_cli convert input.nnp output_saved_model --export-format SAVED_MODEL

Convert NNP to Tensorflow frozen graph

$ nnabla_cli convert input.nnp output.pb

Convert Tensorflow frozen graph to NNP

$ nnabla_cli convert input.pb output.nnp

Convert Tensorflow checkpoint to NNP

For checkpoint version 1:

$ nnabla_cli convert input.ckpt output.nnp --inputs x0,x1 --outputs y0,y1

In the same directory of input.ckpt, the related files, such as checkpoint, input.ckpt.meta and so on are required to exist. The inputs required the input name of model, separated by comma. The outputs is same. In parsing checkpoint format, input and output needs to be provided.

For checkpoint version 2:

$ nnabla_cli convert input.ckpt.meta output.nnp --inputs x0,x1 --outputs y0,y1

In the same directory of input.ckpt.meta, the related files, such as checkpoint, *.ckpt.index, ... and so on are required to exist.

Convert Tensorflow saved_model to NNP

$ nnabla_cli convert input_saved_model output.nnp

Convert NNP to Tensorflow Lite

$ nnabla_cli convert -b 1 input.nnp output.tflite

Convert NNP to INT8 quantized Tensorflow Lite

$ nnabla_cli convert -b 1 input.nnp output.tflite --quantization --dataset represent_dataset.npy

Convert Tensorflow Lite to NNP

$ nnabla_cli convert input.tflite output.nnp

Splitting network

Splitting network is a bit complicated and can be troublesome.

NNP file could have multiple Executor networks, but Split supports only single network to split.

First, you must confirm how many Executors there are in the NNP, and specify what executor to split with nnabla_cli dump.

$ nnabla_cli dump squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/*.{nntxt,h5}
2018-08-27 15:02:40,006 [nnabla][INFO]: Initializing CPU extension...
Importing squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/net.nntxt
Importing squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/parameters.h5
 Expanding Training.
 Expanding Top5Error.
 Expanding Top1Error.
 Expanding Runtime.
  Optimizer[0]: Optimizer
  Optimizer[0]:  (In) Data      variable[0]: Name:TrainingInput                  Shape:[-1, 3, 480, 480]
  Optimizer[0]:  (In) Data      variable[1]: Name:SoftmaxCrossEntropy_T          Shape:[-1, 1]
  Optimizer[0]:  (Out)Loss      variable[0]: Name:SoftmaxCrossEntropy            Shape:[-1, 1]
  Monitor  [0]: train_error
  Monitor  [0]:  (In) Data      variable[0]: Name:Input                          Shape:[-1, 3, 320, 320]
  Monitor  [0]:  (In) Data      variable[1]: Name:Top5Error_T                    Shape:[-1, 1]
  Monitor  [0]:  (Out)Monitor   variable[0]: Name:Top5Error                      Shape:[-1, 1]
  Monitor  [1]: valid_error
  Monitor  [1]:  (In) Data      variable[0]: Name:Input                          Shape:[-1, 3, 320, 320]
  Monitor  [1]:  (In) Data      variable[1]: Name:Top1rror_T                     Shape:[-1, 1]
  Monitor  [1]:  (Out)Monitor   variable[0]: Name:Top1rror                       Shape:[-1, 1]
  Executor [0]: Executor
  Executor [0]:  (In) Data      variable[0]: Name:Input                          Shape:[-1, 3, 320, 320]
  Executor [0]:  (Out)Output    variable[0]: Name:y'                             Shape:[-1, 1000]

As above output now you know only 1 executor.

Then you can show executor information with nnabla_cli dump -E0.

$ nnabla_cli dump -E0 squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/*.{nntxt,h5}
2018-08-27 15:03:26,547 [nnabla][INFO]: Initializing CPU extension...
Importing squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/net.nntxt
Importing squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/parameters.h5
 Try to leave only executor[Executor].
 Expanding Runtime.
  Executor [0]: Executor
  Executor [0]:  (In) Data      variable[0]: Name:Input                          Shape:[-1, 3, 320, 320]
  Executor [0]:  (Out)Output    variable[0]: Name:y'                             Shape:[-1, 1000]

You can get list of function adding -F option.

$ nnabla_cli dump -FE0 squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/*.{nntxt,h5}
2018-08-27 15:04:10,954 [nnabla][INFO]: Initializing CPU extension...
Importing squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/net.nntxt
Importing squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/parameters.h5
 Try to leave only executor[Executor].
 Expanding Runtime.
  Executor [0]: Executor
  Executor [0]:  (In) Data      variable[0]: Name:Input                          Shape:[-1, 3, 320, 320]
  Executor [0]:  (Out)Output    variable[0]: Name:y'                             Shape:[-1, 1000]
  Executor [0]:   Function[  0  ]: Type: Slice                Name: Slice
  Executor [0]:   Function[  1  ]: Type: ImageAugmentation    Name: ImageAugmentation
  Executor [0]:   Function[  2  ]: Type: MulScalar            Name: SqueezeNet/MulScalar
  Executor [0]:   Function[  3  ]: Type: AddScalar            Name: SqueezeNet/AddScalar
  Executor [0]:   Function[  4  ]: Type: Convolution          Name: SqueezeNet/Convolution
  Executor [0]:   Function[  5  ]: Type: ReLU                 Name: SqueezeNet/ReLU
  Executor [0]:   Function[  6  ]: Type: MaxPooling           Name: SqueezeNet/MaxPooling


  Executor [0]:   Function[ 63  ]: Type: ReLU                 Name: SqueezeNet/FireModule_8/Expand1x1ReLU
  Executor [0]:   Function[ 64  ]: Type: Concatenate          Name: SqueezeNet/FireModule_8/Concatenate
  Executor [0]:   Function[ 65  ]: Type: Dropout              Name: SqueezeNet/Dropout
  Executor [0]:   Function[ 66  ]: Type: Convolution          Name: SqueezeNet/Convolution_2
  Executor [0]:   Function[ 67  ]: Type: ReLU                 Name: SqueezeNet/ReLU_2
  Executor [0]:   Function[ 68  ]: Type: AveragePooling       Name: SqueezeNet/AveragePooling
  Executor [0]:   Function[ 69  ]: Type: Reshape              Name: SqueezeNet/Reshape
  Executor [0]:   Function[ 70  ]: Type: Identity             Name: y'

If you want to get network without Image Augmentation, according to above output, ImageAugmentation is placed on index 2. With splitting after index 3, you can get network without ImageAugmentation. You must specify -E0 -S 3- option to nnabla_cli convert This command rename output to XXX_S_E.nnp, XXX is original name, S is start function index, and E is end function index.

$ nnabla_cli convert -E0 -S 3- squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/*.{nntxt,h5} splitted.nnp
2018-08-27 15:20:21,950 [nnabla][INFO]: Initializing CPU extension...
Importing squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/net.nntxt
Importing squeezenet11.files/SqueezeNet-1.1/parameters.h5
 Try to leave only executor[Executor].
 Expanding Runtime.
   Shrink 3 to 70.
    Output to [splitted_3_70.nnp]

Finally you got splitted_3_70.nnp as split output. You can check split NNP with nnabla_cli dump

NOTE: Input shape is changed from original network. New input shape is same as start function's input.

$ nnabla_cli dump splitted_3_70.nnp
2018-08-27 15:20:28,021 [nnabla][INFO]: Initializing CPU extension...
Importing splitted_3_70.nnp
 Expanding Runtime.
  Executor [0]: Executor
  Executor [0]:  (In) Data      variable[0]: Name:SqueezeNet/MulScalar           Shape:[-1, 3, 227, 227]
  Executor [0]:  (Out)Output    variable[0]: Name:y'                             Shape:[-1, 1000]
