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Given a Hidden Markov Model and a bunch of observation sequences, compute the most likely path for each observation sequence.

The project consists of a few different parts. A generic library and some applications. The applications are:

  • A standalone scala app
  • A hadoop job
  • A http server
  • A thrift server
  • A prestodb plugin

Javadocs for the library can be found here

Typical usage of the library looks like this.

// args = {pi, A, B, T, input, output};
Function<String, InputStream> r = DNAViterbiApp.class::getResourceAsStream;
HMM hmm = new HMM.Builder()
    .fromInputStreams(r.apply(args[0]), r.apply(args[1]), r.apply(args[2]))
Viterbi<String,FullResult> viterbi =
    new Viterbi.Builder<String,String,FullResult>()
    .withObservationEncoder(new DNAEncoder())
    .withObservationDecoder(new DNADecoder())
    .withPathDecoder(new StringDecoder())

The library is written in Java 8. Note that the DNAEncoder, DNADecoder and StringDecoder requires scala 2.11 to run.

Also, in libhmm/src/main/resources there is an HMM that models the T-cell receptor.

Build the project

  • mvn clean package

Run the scala app

  • scala -cp libhmm/target/libhmm-0.3.0.jar com.github.sorhus.hmmongo.DNAViterbiApp /example_pi.gz /example_A.gz /example_B.gz 41 libhmm/src/main/resources/example_input output

Run the http server

  • java -jar scalatra/target/scalatra-0.3.0.jar /example_pi.gz /example_A.gz /example_B.gz 101
  • curl localhost:8080/acgttgcatcgatcgatcgatcgatcgtacgatcgatcgaacgatgcgactaca

Run the thrift server

  • java -jar thrift/target/thrift-0.3.0.jar /example_pi.gz /example_A.gz /example_B.gz 101
  • There is an example client that can be tested as follows
  • java -cp thrift/target/thrift-0.3.0.jar com.github.sorhus.hmmongo.thrift.client.DNAViterbiClient

Run the hadoop job

local mode
  • hadoop jar hadoop/target/hadoop-0.3.0.jar com.twitter.scalding.Tool com.github.sorhus.hmmongo.DNAViterbiJob --local --pi hadoop/src/main/resources/example_pi.gz --A hadoop/src/main/resources/example_A.gz --B hadoop/src/main/resources/example_B.gz --T 101 --input hadoop/src/main/resources/example_input --output output
hdfs mode
  • If the HMM is big: export HADOOP_CLIENT_OPT=-Xmx2g
  • Put the input on hdfs
  • hadoop jar hadoop/target/hadoop-0.3.0.jar com.twitter.scalding.Tool com.github.sorhus.hmmongo.DNAViterbiJob --hdfs --pi src/main/resources/tcrb_pi.gz --A src/main/resources/tcrb_A.gz --B src/main/resources/tcrb_B.gz --T 101 --input /user/anton/SRR060692_1.sample --output /user/anton/output

Deploy the presto plugin

  • Put the jar in the presto plugin direcory, i.e. presto/plugin/hmmongo/presto-0.4.0.jar
  • Put a config in the presto etc directory
cat >> etc/plugin/ <<EOF
  • Test the function like so
presto> select viterbi('name','acgt');
(1 row)