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Soroswap Aggregator and Adapters Smart Contracts. Includes Soroswap.Finance and Phoenix Adapters


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Soroswap Aggregator

The Soroswap Aggregator Contract currently aggregates different Soroban based AMMs

Check the documentation in and the Security Audit Report and the Security Audit Findings Summary written by Runtime Verification.

Setup and Deployment

For standalone development read #Development section


Be sure to clone the repository with its submodules to ensure proper execution of development, testing, and deploying scripts.

1. Setup

1.1. Clone this repo. Submodules are necesary to get the Public and Testnet addresses of the underlying protocols like Soroswap, or to deploy on Standalone those protocols.

git clone --recurse-submodules


If you forgot to clone with the --recurse-submodules flag, you can run git submodule update --init --recursive to get the submodules.


If there was a Testnet reset, and the soroswap/core repo has new Tesnet deployments for test tokens, you want to bring those changes

cd protocols/soroswap/
git pull origin main

1.2 Copy the .env.example file into .env and modify the necessary parameters

cp .env.example .env

For the secret keys, you can create an account and private keys in For MAINNET_RPC_URL, you will need to subscribe to one of the Stellar Mainnet RPC providers:, or others (ask in the Stellar Discord)

1.2 In one terminal: (choose standalone, futurenet or testnet)

bash scripts/ standalone # or futurenet or testnet

1.3. In another terminal, to enter the docker container

bash scripts/

1.4 yarn install


2.- Build the Smart Contracts: after you have the enviroment setted up and inside the docker container you have to build the smart contracts with

cd /workspace/contracts
make build

Compile other protocols

If you are considering other protocol that have changed their wasm versions, upgrade them: For example, for phoenix:

cd protocols/phoenix-contracts/
make build
cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/*.wasm ../../contracts/adapters/phoenix/phoenix_contracts/

2. Run Tests and Scout Audit

cd /workspace/contracts/
make test

For Scout Audits (tool created by CoinFabrik), you should enter in each of the sub projects, for example

cd /workspace/contracts/aggregator
cargo scout-audit

or, in the case you want to audit the Soroswap.Finance adapter,

cd /workspace/contracts/adapters/soroswap
cargo scout-audit

3.- Check CPU Instructios and Memory Usage

cd /workspace/contracts/aggregator
cargo test budget -- --nocapture

Export it into a file that you will save together with your changes

cargo test budget -- --nocapture > aggregator_budget.txt

4.- Deployment

To deploy the smart contracts you first would need to build the source with

cd /workspace
yarn build

The .wasm files will already be optimized and will be available in /workspace/contracts/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/ with a name like [NAME-OF-CONTRACT].optimized.wasm

after the WASMs are built you can run this to deploy, networks can be testnet, standalone, futurenet, mainnet. The RPCs will be taken from the configs.json file.

cd /workspace
yarn deploy <network>

You can deploy in Futurenet, Testnet and Mainnet from any type of Quickstart Image configuration. However if you want to deploy them on standalone, make sure that you have run the quickstart image with the standalone config.

when deployment is completed you can find the addresses in ./.soroban directory

If you deployed in Testnet. A new version of Phoenix will be deployed, so you will need to add liquidity to these pairs


Run javascript tests

cd /workspace
yarn test

5.- Publish Phoenix Aggregator in Mainnet

yarn build && yarn deploy-phoenix-adapter mainnet

6.- Publish deployed address.

If you want to publish the json files that are in the ignored .soroban folder, do:

yarn publish_addresses <network>

7.- Integration Test in Public Testnet.

Its important to allways test contracts in a live testnet Blockchain. We have prepared some scripts to interact with the deployed Soroswap.Finance testnet version and with a custom deployed Phoenix protocol. This is because Phoenix does not officially support a testnet version.

You can test the Aggregator methods by running the following command:

bash scripts/ standalone
bash scripts/
yarn test:manual <network>


When deploying to any network other than mainnet the script will also deploy Phoenix Protocol for testing purposes

For development in standalone you should deploy soroswap smart contracts from the soroswap submodule, to do so there is a script you can run... You will need to set the .env inside the submodule

bash scripts/ <network>

Add liquidity to the phoenix pools:

If you want to create and add liquidity to the Phoenix pools, you can do so by running the following command:


The TEST_TOKENS_ADMIN_SECRET_KEY in your .env file must be identical to the one used for Soroswap deployment to successfully add liquidity to the pools in Phoenix.

yarn add-liquidity:phoenix <network> <number of tokens>*

This will create pairs with all tokens listed in the Soroswap tokens list.


*The number of tokens is optional, if not provided, the script will add liquidity to all the pools.