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Udacity Project - Securing Recipe Vault Web App

This is one of the project in Udacity AWS Cloud Architect Nanodegree.

Project Overview

In this project, I have:

  • Deployed and assessed a simple web application environment’s security posture
  • Tested the security of the environment by simulating attack scenarios and exploiting cloud configuration vulnerabilities
  • Implemented monitoring to identify insecure configurations and malicious activity
  • Applied methods learned in the course to harden and secure the environment
  • Designed a DevSecOps pipeline

Project Files

  • Text file identifying 2 poor security practices with justification for the AWS-WebServiceDiagram-v1-insecure.png architectural model.
  • Text file providing recommendations on how to remediate the vulnerabilities.
  • Text file listing GuardDuty findings that were detected related to the brute force attack ande explaination about how GuardDuty detected the attack.
  • Text file listing 2-3 changes that can be made to environment to prevent an ssh brute force attack from the internet and also 2-3 points about how to secure the sensitive data in S3.
  • c3-s3_solution.yml: CloudFormation template that deploys an S3 bucket for storage of recipes woth default encryption enabled.
  • c3-app_solution.yml: CloudFormation template that deploys ec2 instances for the project starter. Security group rules only accept traffic from specific ports in this template.
  • screenshots: This folder contains all the screenshots captured during this project.


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