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Redshirts for the enterprise!

Interns for the industry!

To boldly go!

A simple, little web application to manage the requirements for completing student internships.


In the course of “Managing Technical Teams” during Winter Quarter 2012 at the Univesity of Washington, Tacoma, a small group formed to automate the existing “paper” process followed by students, faculty advisors, industry sponsors and administrative staff to complete internships.


This application is intended to be the “simplest thing that could possibly work”


  • install node.js, postgres and git
  • at a command prompt:
    git clone
    cd redshirts
    npm install
  • build the database (with script that will be provided)
  • start the app with `node app.js`


  • [X] create repo on git hub
  • [X] refactor participant requests to new page
  • [X] send request to sponsor/advisor (nodemailer)
  • [X] accept request (once sponsor and advisor accepted, internship “ready” for review
  • [X] determine and set internship status
  • [X] clean up code…get rid of damned tabs
  • [X] refactor sql queries to sanitize…safeguard against sql-injection
  • [X] edit internship should show student first and last name rather than logged in user
  • [X] advisor/sponsor should not be able to remove participant
  • [X] provide “cancel” button to student for active internships
  • [X] admin workflow to review “ready” internships and mark “approved”
  • [X] list activities and crud
  • [X] datepicker for activity schedule
  • [X] activity comments
  • [X] delete associated comments on delete of activity
  • [X] display most recent posted on and contributor in activity list
  • [X] remove participant should clear approved_on
  • [X] display employment begin date for approved internship
  • [X] make sure user is associated with internship before edit/review display
  • [X] if activity “scheduled on” upcoming within two days, status should be “milestone due”
  • [X] if “employment begin date” is today or earlier status should be “in progress”
  • [X] html layout and css
  • [X] add clientside form validation for required fields and such
  • [X] clean up background and fonts
  • [X] password recovery..
  • [X] content baby (home, faq, getting started)
  • [X] include hints based on status, ie if pending “request an advisor and a sponsor…”,
  • [X] email reminders for upcoming scheduled activities
  • [ ] need to get message text included in participant request email, some sane defaults for activities too
  • [ ] hash password clientside (and compare with confirmation) at registration
  • [ ] require four scheduled activities before “ready” (design decision?)
  • [ ] use ajax to migrate multiple separate forms to single page (include request participant and activity create/edit/review within intern edit)
  • [ ] generate report (pdf?)
  • [ ] refactor/reorganize code, modularize db/index.js, separate/consolidate clientside javascript from jade
  • [ ] allow for program administrator to upload descriptions and contacts for available internships and student to select from “catalog”
  • [ ] consider text box for submitting “entry code” on approve
  • [ ] registration form should prolly have student number on it…rather than internship create (requires refactoring data release of app?)
  • [ ] allow “sponsor” to upload available positions
  • [ ] allow “admin” to announce available positions, provide contact information
  • [ ] allow student to browse/select from available positions and submit resume
  • [ ] give the html/css some lovin’ (replace tables with divs and better stylin’)
  • [ ] introduce chat (student can chat with any other online students, student can chat with assigned advisor/sponsor)
  • [ ] admin is really advisor with superuser privs
  • [ ] refactor check/set internship status to function within “next” chain


redshirts for the landing boldy go...







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