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The nircam_jdox repository is meant to act as a simple collection of code and ancillary data files that have been used to create tables and figures on the NIRCam JDox webpages.


Getting nircam_jdox up and running on your own computer requires four steps, detailed below:

  1. Cloning the GitHub repository
  2. Installing the condaenvironment
  3. Installing the python package


It is highly suggested that contributors have a working installation of anaconda or miniconda for Python 3.6. Downloads and installation instructions are available here:

Requirements for contributing to the nircam_jdox package will be included in the nircam_jdox conda environment, which is included in our installation instructions below.

Clone the nircam_jdox repo

You first need to clone the current version of nircam_jdox. The simplest way to do this is to go to the directory you want your copy of the repository to be in and clone the repository there. Once you are in the directory you can do the following:

git clone
cd nircam_jdox

or, if you would rather use SSH instead of https, type

git clone
cd nircam_jdox

instead, and then proceed as stated.

Environment Installation

Following the download of the nircam_jdox repository, contributors can then install the nircam_jdox conda environment via the environment.yml file, which contains all of the dependencies for the project. First, one should ensure that their version of conda is up to date:

conda update conda

Next, one should activate the base environment:

source activate base

Lastly, one can create the nircam_jdox environment via the environment.yml file:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Package Installation

Next, you need to install the nircam_jdox package. While still in the nircam_jdox/ directory, run the following command to set up the package:

python develop

The package should now appear if you run conda list nircam_jdox.

Software Contributions

Before you begin contributing to the nircam_jdox development please review our suggested git workflow page, which contains an in-depth explanation of the workflow.

The following is a bare-bones example of a best work flow for contributing to the project:

  1. Create a fork off of the spacetelescope nircam_jdox repository.
  2. Make a local clone of your fork.
  3. Ensure your personal fork is pointing upstream properly.
  4. Create a branch on that personal fork.
  5. Make your software changes.
  6. Push that branch to your personal GitHub repository (i.e. origin).
  7. On the spacetelescope nircam_jdox repository, create a pull request that merges the branch into spacetelescope:master.
  8. Assign a reviewer from the team for the pull request.
  9. Iterate with the reviewer over any needed changes until the reviewer accepts and merges your branch.
  10. Delete your local copy of your branch.

Issue Reporting / Feature Requests

Users who wish to report an issue or request a new feature may do so by submitting a new issue on GitHub:

Code of Conduct

Users and contributors to the nircam_jdox repository should adhere to the Code of Conduct. Any issues or violations pertaining to the Code of Conduct should be brought to the attention of a nircam_jdox team member.