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Initial vimrc config
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spastorino committed Feb 12, 2012
0 parents commit fc0dc0e
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Showing 5 changed files with 180 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitmodules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Core
[submodule "core/pathogen"]
path = core/pathogen
url =
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions core/pathogen
Submodule pathogen added at ab64b4
Empty file added tmp/backup/.keep
Empty file.
Empty file added tmp/swap/.keep
Empty file.
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions vimrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
"" Basic Setup

set nocompatible " use vim, no vi defaults
set history=50 " keep 50 commands and 50 search patterns in the history
set ruler " show line and column number
syntax on " turn on syntax highlighting allowing local overrides
set encoding=utf-8 " set default encoding to UTF-8
set showcmd " display incomplete commands
map Q gq " defines the "Q" command to do formatting with the "gq" operator
set clipboard=unnamed

"some stuff to get the mouse going in term
set mouse=a
set ttymouse=xterm2

map <Leader>rt :!ctags --extra=+f -R *<CR><CR>

"" Whitespace

set nowrap " don't wrap lines
set softtabstop=2 " use mix of spaces and tabs
set shiftwidth=2 " an autoindent (with <<) is two spaces
set expandtab " use spaces, not tabs
set backspace=indent,eol,start " backspace through everything in insert mode

"" Searching

set ignorecase " searches are case insensitive...
set smartcase " ... unless they contain at least one capital letter
set incsearch " incremental searching
set hlsearch " highlight matches with the last used search pattern

"" File types

" Some file types should wrap their text
function! s:setupWrapping()
set wrap
set linebreak
set textwidth=72
set nolist

set autoindent " use the indent of the previous line for a newly created line

filetype plugin indent on " turn on filetype plugins (:help filetype-plugin)

" use real tabs ...
autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab
autocmd FileType python set noexpandtab
autocmd FileType c set noexpandtab
autocmd FileType cpp set noexpandtab

" Set the Ruby filetype for a number of common Ruby files without .rb
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile {Gemfile,Rakefile,Vagrantfile,Thorfile,Procfile,,*.rake} set filetype=ruby

" Make sure all mardown files have the correct filetype set and setup wrapping
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.{md,markdown,mdown,mkd,mkdn,txt} setf markdown | call s:setupWrapping()

" Treat JSON files like JavaScript
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.json set filetype=javascript

" Remember last location in file, but not for commit messages.
" see :help last-position-jump
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "normal g`\"" |
\ endif

"" Wild settings

set wildmode=list:longest " list all matches and complete till longest common string

" Disable output and VCS files
set wildignore+=*.o,*.out,*.obj,.git,*.rbc,*.rbo,*.class,.svn,*.gem
" Disable archive files
set wildignore+=*.zip,*.tar.gz,*.tar.bz2,*.rar,*.tar.xz
" Ignore bundler and sass cache
set wildignore+=*/vendor/cache/*,*/.bundle/*,*/.sass-cache/*
" Disable temp and backup files
set wildignore+=*.swp,*~,._*

"" Backup and swap files

set backupdir=~/.vim/tmp/backup/ " where to put backup files.
set directory=~/.vim/tmp/swap/ " where to put swap files.

"" Status line

set laststatus=2
"set statusline=%t%(\ [%n%M]%)%(\ %H%R%W%)\ %(%c-%v,\ %l\ of\ %L,\ (%o)\ %P\ 0x%B\ (%b)%)
"set statusline=%{fugitive#statusline()}

" Start the status line
set statusline=%f\ %m\ %r

" Add fugitive if enabled
set statusline+=%{fugitive#statusline()}

" Add syntastic if enabled
"set statusline+=%#warningmsg#
"set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}
"set statusline+=%*

" Finish the statusline
set statusline+=Line:%l/%L[%p%%]
set statusline+=Col:%v
set statusline+=Buf:#%n
set statusline+=[%b][0x%B]

"" Layout

if !has("gui_running")
set t_Co=256
colorscheme railscasts

"" Ruby

set suffixesadd=.rb " comma separated list of suffixes, which are used when searching for a file for the "gf", "[I", etc. commands
set path+=lib/**,test/** " list of directories which will be searched when using the |gf|, [f, ]f, ^Wf, |:find|, |:sfind|, |:tabfind| and other commands
set kp=ri " program to use for the |K| command

if has("ruby") " assume system has ruby
" Add stdlib of environment's ruby to path
let stdlib = system('ruby -rrbconfig -e"print RbConfig::CONFIG[\"rubylibdir\"]"')
let &l:path = &path . "," . stdlib

let g:ruby_path = &path

let ruby_no_expensive = 1 " do not colorize end keyword, this feature could be expensive
let ruby_space_errors = 1 " highlight trailing whitespace and tabs
let c_space_errors = 1

"" Pathogen & extentions

exe 'source ' . expand('~/.vim/') . 'core/pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim'
call pathogen#infect('plugins')

" Include user's local vim config
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.local"))
source ~/.vimrc.local

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