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Neo 2.8.0

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@ttempleton ttempleton released this 04 Aug 03:30

{warning} As part of the changes to Neo 2.8 to support Craft 3.5's new field layout designer, it's no longer possible to save blank tabs in Neo block types' field layouts. Existing blank tabs should be retained when upgrading to Craft 3.5 and Neo 2.8, but they will be lost if they're still blank next time the field is saved. It's recommended to place a UI element in any blank tabs that should be kept.


  • Full support for Craft 3.5's new field layout designer
  • Added the Max Sibling Blocks of This Type block type setting, which sets the maximum number of blocks of that block type allowed under one parent block or at the top level


  • Neo now requires Craft 3.5.0-RC6 or later
  • Updated node-sass to ^4.14.1


  • Deprecated benf\neo\integrations\fieldlabels\FieldLabels
  • Deprecated benf\neo\converters\Field (Neo Field Converter for Schematic)
  • Deprecated benf\neo\converters\models\BlockType (Neo BlockType Converter for Schematic)
  • Deprecated benf\neo\converters\models\BlockTypeGroup (Neo BlockTypeGroup Converter for Schematic)


  • Removed unused JavaScript related to compatibility with Quick Field, a Craft 2 plugin which was not updated for Craft 3
  • Removed usage of babel-polyfill


  • Fixed a bug where validation errors that occurred when attempting to publish a draft were not displaying on Neo blocks
  • Fixed the position of the new block type / block type group buttons on the Neo field configurator
  • Fixed a bug where Neo-to-Matrix conversion failures were not being logged