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John Luk edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the python-sproto wiki!


  sproto_obj = sproto_create(your_sproto_description_in_spb)

  #create a sproto object from binary

  sproto_type_obj = sproto_type(sproto_obj, entity_name)

  #query the entity for pack

  binary_str = sproto_encode(sproto_type_obj, data_dict)

  #encode data in dict with entity description

  data_dict, ret = sproto_decode(sproto_type_obj, binary_str)

  #decode data in message with entity description, ret means original size in binary_str

  protocol_id_or_name, protocol_request, protocol_response = sproto_protocol(sproto_obj, name_or_protocol_id)

  #query protocol tag id to protocol name query protocol name to protocol id return protocol_request, protocol_response

  packed_binary_string = sproto_pack(binary_str)

  #sproto_pack will pack the sproto_encode msg to small size.

  original_binary_string = sproto_unpack(packed_binary_string)

  #sproto_unpack restore the origin message. Note that there maybe more zero bytes at the end of the result, in order to align.

Error Handling:

all error is in pysproto.error

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