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fix(provider/openstack) - handle operations on stacks that were deplo…
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…yed with the previous HEAT template. (#2375)

Address errors on stack operations that return 400 with "Action request failed with fault The Parameter (resource_filename) was not provided."
Significantly improve handling of python-style json strings from the OST response.
Fix an issue where newly-created stacks could not have their instances terminated.
  • Loading branch information
msilpala authored and lwander committed Mar 7, 2018
1 parent d166f3d commit 478925f
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Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class OpenstackOrchestrationV1Provider implements OpenstackOrchestrationProvider
if (parts && parts.size() > 2) {
String instanceResourceId = parts.get(2)
resources?.find {
it.type == stack.parameters.get(ServerGroupConstants.SUBTEMPLATE_FILENAME) && it.resourceName == instanceResourceId
it.type == ServerGroupParameters.resolveResourceFilename(stack.parameters) && it.resourceName == instanceResourceId
} else {
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import groovy.transform.AutoClone
import groovy.transform.Canonical
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,6 +53,12 @@ class ServerGroupParameters {
List<String> zones
Map<String, String> schedulerHints

// This is only used when migrating a stack from a previous version of clouddriver
static String resolveResourceFilename(Map<String, String> paramsMap) {
return paramsMap.get(ServerGroupConstants.LEGACY_RESOURCE_FILENAME_KEY) ?: ServerGroupConstants.SUBTEMPLATE_FILE
String resourceFilename

static final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()

Map<String, String> toParamsMap() {
Expand All @@ -80,12 +85,24 @@ class ServerGroupParameters {
source_user_data : sourceUserData ?: null,
tags : objectMapper.writeValueAsString(tags ?: [:]) ?: null,
user_data : rawUserData ?: null,
zones : zones?.join(',') ?: null,
scheduler_hints : objectMapper.writeValueAsString(schedulerHints ?: [:]) ?: null,
if (floatingNetworkId) {
params << [floating_network_id: floatingNetworkId]

// This is only used when migrating a stack from a previous version of clouddriver
if (resourceFilename) {
params << [resource_filename: resourceFilename]

// These are new properties. We include them conditionally so as not to mess up resize operations on older, pre-existing stacks.
if (zones) {
params << [zones: zones.join(',')]
if (schedulerHints) {
params << [scheduler_hints: objectMapper.writeValueAsString(schedulerHints ?: [:])]


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,8 +135,9 @@ class ServerGroupParameters {
tags: unescapePythonUnicodeJsonMap(params.get('tags') ?: '{}'),
sourceUserDataType: params.get('source_user_data_type'),
sourceUserData: params.get('source_user_data'),
zones: unescapePythonUnicodeJsonList(params.get('zones')),
zones: unescapePythonUnicodeJsonList(params.get('zones') ),
schedulerHints: unescapePythonUnicodeJsonMap(params.get('scheduler_hints') ?: '{}'),
resourceFilename: params.get('resource_filename')

Expand All @@ -132,22 +150,33 @@ class ServerGroupParameters {
* @return
static List<String> unescapePythonUnicodeJsonList(String string) {
string?.split(",")?.collect { s ->
List result = string?.split(",")?.collect { s ->
s.replace("u'", "").replace("'", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replaceAll("([ ][ ]*)", "")
} ?: []
return result

* Stack parameters of type 'comma_delimited_list' come back as a unicode json string. We need to split that up.
* Some stack parameters of type 'json' come back as a unicode json string. We need to split that up.
* TODO See
* @param string
* @return
static Map<String, String> unescapePythonUnicodeJsonMap(String string) {
String parsed = string?.replace("u'", "")?.replace("'", "")?.replace("{", "")?.replace("}", "")?.replace("\"", "")?.replaceAll("([ ][ ]*)", "")
parsed ? Splitter.on(",").withKeyValueSeparator(":").split(parsed) : [:]
String parsed = string
?.replaceAll(':\\p{javaWhitespace}*None\\p{javaWhitespace}*([,}])', ': null$1') // first replace python None with json null
?.replaceAll("u'(.*?)'", '"$1"') // replace u'python strings' with "python strings" (actually json strings)
?.replaceAll('u"(.*?\'.*?)"', '"$1"') // replace u"python strings containing a ' char" with "python strings containing a ' char" (actually json)
def m = objectMapper.readValue(parsed, Map)
def result = m.collectEntries { k, v ->
if (v instanceof Collection || v instanceof Map) {
return [(k): objectMapper.writeValueAsString(v)]
[(k): v]
return result

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Expand Up @@ -21,31 +21,25 @@ class ServerGroupConstants {
public static final String HEAT_ASG_RESOURCE = "OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup"
final static String SERVERGROUP_RESOURCE_NAME = 'servergroup'

final static String SUBTEMPLATE_FILENAME = 'resource_filename'
final static String SUBTEMPLATE_SERVER_OUTPUT = 'servergroup_server'
final static String SUBTEMPLATE_SERVER_OUTPUT_FLOAT = 'servergroup_server_float'
final static String SUBTEMPLATE_OUTPUT = 'servergroup_resource'
final static String SUBTEMPLATE_OUTPUT_FLOAT = 'servergroup_resource_float'
final static String MEMBERTEMPLATE_OUTPUT = 'servergroup_resource_member'

//this is the file name of the heat template used to create the auto scaling group,
//and needs to be loaded into memory as a String
final static String TEMPLATE_FILE = 'servergroup.yaml'
final static String TEMPLATE_FILE_FLOAT = 'servergroup_float.yaml'

//this is the name of the subtemplate referenced by the template,
//and needs to be loaded into memory as a String
//with floating ip for each instance
final static String SUBTEMPLATE_SERVER_FILE = "servergroup_server.yaml"

//this is the name of the subtemplate referenced by the template,
//and needs to be loaded into memory as a String
final static String SUBTEMPLATE_FILE = "${SUBTEMPLATE_OUTPUT}.yaml".toString()
//with floating ip for each instance
final static String SUBTEMPLATE_FILE_FLOAT = "${SUBTEMPLATE_OUTPUT_FLOAT}.yaml".toString()

//this is the name of the member template referenced by the subtemplate,
//and is contructed on the fly
final static String MEMBERTEMPLATE_FILE = "${MEMBERTEMPLATE_OUTPUT}.yaml".toString()

// Only used for backward compatibility when interacting with heat stacks from before clouddriver v1.772.0
final static String LEGACY_RESOURCE_FILENAME_KEY = 'resource_filename'
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Expand Up @@ -16,26 +16,58 @@


import spock.lang.Ignore
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll

class ServerGroupParametersSpec extends Specification {

def "test toParamsMap"() {
def "resolves resource filename: #description"() {
ServerGroupParameters.resolveResourceFilename(params) == expected

description | params | expected
'from stack params if present' | ['resource_filename': 'valueinparam'] | 'valueinparam'
'from constants if not in stack params' | [:] | ServerGroupConstants.SUBTEMPLATE_FILE

def "converts params object to map"() {
ServerGroupParameters params = createServerGroupParams()
Map expected = getMap()

Map result = params.toParamsMap()

//need to compare string values due to some map formatting issue
result.sort{ a, b -> a.key <=> b.key }.toString() == expected.sort{ a, b -> a.key <=> b.key }.toString()

def "toParamsMap - output excludes #mapKey when null in the input"() {
ServerGroupParameters params = createServerGroupParams()
params[serverGroupProperty] = null

Map result = params.toParamsMap()

//need to compare string values due to some map formatting issue
result.toString() == expected.toString()
! result.containsKey(mapKey)

description | mapKey | serverGroupProperty
"no zones present" | "zones" | "zones"
"no scheduler hints present" | "scheduler_hints" | "schedulerHints"
"no resource filename present" | "resource_filename" | "resourceFilename"

def "test fromParamsMap"() {
def "converts map to params object"() {
ServerGroupParameters expected = createServerGroupParams()
Map params = getMap()
Expand All @@ -47,7 +79,8 @@ class ServerGroupParametersSpec extends Specification {
result == expected

def "test handle unicode list"() {
def "converts unicode list to list: #input"() {
List<String> result = ServerGroupParameters.unescapePythonUnicodeJsonList(input)

Expand All @@ -57,24 +90,64 @@ class ServerGroupParametersSpec extends Specification {
input | expected
'test' | ['test']
'test, test2' | ['test', 'test2']
'[test]' | ['test']
'[u\'test\']' | ['test']
'u\'test\'' | ['test']
'[u\'test\',u\'test\',u\'test\']' | ['test', 'test', 'test']
"[u\'\',u'']" | ["", ""]
// Is this really how it should behave?
null | []
"[]" | [""]
// Shouldn't these work, too?
// '["test"]' | ["test"]
// '["test", "test"]' | ["test", "test"]

def "test handle unicode map"() {
def "converts #inType to map: #description"() {
// Older versions of OpenStack return python-encoded dictionaries for several fields. Newer ones have converted them
// to JSON. For forward and backward compatibility, we need to handle either.

Map<String, String> result = ServerGroupParameters.unescapePythonUnicodeJsonMap(input)

result == expected

input | expected
'{"test":"test"}' | ['test': 'test']
'{u\'test\':\'test\'}' | ['test': 'test']
'{u\'test\':u\'test\',u\'a\':u\'a\'}' | ['test': 'test', 'a': 'a']
inType | description | input | expected
'python' | 'one entry' | '{u\'test\':u\'test\'}' | ['test': 'test']
'python' | 'multiple entries' | '{u\'test\':u\'test\',u\'a\':u\'a\'}' | ['test': 'test', 'a': 'a']
'python' | 'spaces in value' | '{u\'test\': u\'this is a string\'}' | ['test': "this is a string"]
'python' | 'comma in value' | '{u\'test\':u\'test1,test2\'}' | ['test': 'test1,test2']
'python' | 'colon in value' | '{u\'url\':u\'http://localhost:8080\'}' | ['url': 'http://localhost:8080']
'python' | 'value is Empty' | '{u\'test\':u\'\'}' | ['test': '']
'python' | 'value is None' | '{u\'test\': None}' | ['test': null]
'python' | 'multiple None values' | "{u'test': \t None \t \n, u'test2': None\n}" | ['test': null, 'test2': null]
'python' | 'string contains "None"' | '{u\'test\': u\'And None Either\'}' | ['test': "And None Either"]
'python' | 'integer value' | '{u\'port\': 1337}' | ['port': 1337]
'python' | 'single quotes in value' | '{u\'test\': u"\'this is a string\'"}' | ['test': "'this is a string'"]
'python' | '1 single quote in value' | '{u\'test\': u"Surf\'s up!"}' | ['test': "Surf\'s up!"]
'python' | 'string ends in "u"' | '{u\'SuperValu\':u\'test\',u\'a\':u\'a\'}' | ['SuperValu': 'test', 'a': 'a']
'python' | 'json object in value' | '{u\'health\':{u\'http\':u\'http://lh:80\',u\'a\':u\'b\'}}' | ['health': '{"http":"http://lh:80","a":"b"}']
'python' | 'layers of objects' | '{u\'a\': {u\'b\': {u\'c\': u\'d\', u\'e\': u\'f\'}}}' | ['a': '{"b":{"c":"d","e":"f"}}']
'json' | 'empty map' | '{}' | [:]
'json' | 'one entry' | '{"test":"test"}' | ['test': 'test']
'json' | 'multiple entries' | '{"test":"test","a": "a"}' | ['test': 'test', 'a': 'a']
'json' | 'spaces in value' | '{"test": "this is a string"}' | ['test': "this is a string"]
'json' | 'comma in value' | '{"test":"test1,test2"}' | ['test': 'test1,test2']
'json' | 'colon in value' | '{"url":"http://lh:80"}' | ['url': 'http://lh:80']
'json' | 'value is Empty' | '{"test": ""}' | ['test': '']
'json' | 'value is null' | '{"test": null}' | ['test': null]
'json' | 'multiple null values' | '{"test": \t null \t, "test2":\tnull\n}' | ['test': null, 'test2': null]
'json' | 'string contains "None"' | '{"test": "And None Either"}' | ['test': "And None Either"]
'json' | 'integer value' | '{"port": 1337}' | ['port': 1337]
'json' | 'single quotes in value' | '{"test": "\'this is a string\'"}' | ['test': "'this is a string'"]
'json' | '1 single quote in value' | '{"test": "Surf\'s up!"}' | ['test': "Surf\'s up!"]
'json' | 'string ends in "u"' | '{"SuperValu":"test","a":"a"}' | ['SuperValu': 'test', 'a': 'a']
'json' | 'json object in value' | '{"health":{"http":"http://lh:80", "a": "b"}}' | ['health': '{"http":"http://lh:80","a":"b"}']
'json' | 'layers of objects' | '{"a": {"b": {"c": "d", "e": "f"}}}' | ['a': '{"b":{"c":"d","e":"f"}}']

Expand All @@ -96,7 +169,8 @@ class ServerGroupParametersSpec extends Specification {
sourceUserDataType: 'Text',
sourceUserData: 'echo foobar',
zones: ["az1", "az2"],
schedulerHints: ["key": "value"])
schedulerHints: ["key": "value"],
resourceFilename: "fileMcFileface")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +198,8 @@ class ServerGroupParametersSpec extends Specification {
tags: '{"foo":"bar"}',
user_data: "echo foobar",
zones: "az1,az2",
scheduler_hints: '{"key":"value"}'
scheduler_hints: '{"key":"value"}',
resource_filename: "fileMcFileface"

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Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class AbstractStackUpdateOpenstackAtomicOperationSpec extends Specification {
stack = Mock(Stack) { >> { serverGroupName } >> { serverGroupName }
it.parameters >> { [(ServerGroupConstants.SUBTEMPLATE_FILENAME):'asg_resource.yaml'] }
it.parameters >> { [:] }
it.outputs >> { [[output_key: ServerGroupConstants.SUBTEMPLATE_OUTPUT, output_value: yaml], [output_key: ServerGroupConstants.MEMBERTEMPLATE_OUTPUT, output_value: yaml]] }
it.tags >> { tags }
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Expand Up @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class OpenstackServerGroupCachingAgentSpec extends Specification {
Stack stackDetail = Mock(Stack) { getParameters() >> ['load_balancers': loadBalancerId] }
OpenstackServerGroup openstackServerGroup = OpenstackServerGroup.builder().account(account).name(serverGroupName).build()
OpenstackServerGroup openstackServerGroup = OpenstackServerGroup.builder().account(account).name(serverGroupName).tags([foo:'the bar', port:'5050']).build()
Map<String, Object> serverGroupAttributes = objectMapper.convertValue(openstackServerGroup, OpenstackInfrastructureProvider.ATTRIBUTES)
CacheResultBuilder cacheResultBuilder = new CacheResultBuilder()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class OpenstackServerGroupCachingAgentSpec extends Specification {
String subnetId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
Stack stack = Mock(Stack) { >> { 'name' }
it.parameters >> { [subnet_id: subnetId, tags:'{foo: bar}'] }
it.parameters >> { [subnet_id: subnetId, tags:'{"foo": "the bar","port":"5050"}'] }
it.creationTime >> { DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.format(createdTime) }

Expand All @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class OpenstackServerGroupCachingAgentSpec extends Specification {
.tags([foo:'the bar', port:'5050'])

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