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Frequently Asked Questions

Sean Lewis edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 42 revisions

This page is meant for commonly asked questions that aren't answered in the README.

It is intended for version 1.4.0 and later.

I'm new to CS:GO servers - how do I install this?

It's quite easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Stop your server
  2. Download and install MetaMod:Source
  3. Download and install SourceMod
  4. Download and install PugSetup
  5. Start your server

A note: make sure you download the metamod/sourcemod binaries for the correct OS (generally Windows or Linux). If you don't know which OS your server has, typing status in console while on the game server will generally tell you what OS is has.

How can I disable sourcemod entirely from my server?

If using one of the teams' servers for a league match (e.g. CEVO free, ESL tournaments) you often need to disable any 3rd party plugins on the servers. This includes sourcemod and metamod. One way of doing this is:

  1. Stop your server
  2. Go to the servers csgo directory
  3. Rename the addons directory something else - like addons_
  4. Start your server

The server only loads 3rd party addons from directories named exactly addons, so this will cause metamod and sourcemod to no load. When you're done you can do the same process and rename the folder back to addons and it will be enabled again.

How do I change the game cvars (like roundtime)?

The plugin executes a "live config" when games start. The config executed is whatever the cvar sm_pugsetup_live_cfg is set to, and by default that is sourcemod/pugsetup/live.cfg. Editing this file is the best place to change any settings.

Note that you can just use another config (e.g. cevo.cfg, or esl5on5.cfg), but I generally don't recommend doing this, especially if using knife rounds. The below section explains the issue.

There are thousands of server cvars in CS:GO, not every config sets every single one of them - therefore you should try to set only the ones you actually need to set. Keeping your live config small is in your best interest.

How do I make knife rounds taser+knife rounds?

Edit cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/knife.cfg and uncomment the following lines (remove the //):

mp_ct_default_melee "weapon_taser"
mp_t_default_melee "weapon_taser"

How do I enable/disable overtime?

Inside your live config, which is in cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/live.cfg by default, change the following cvars:

mp_overtime_enable 1 // set to 0 to disable overtime
mp_overtime_maxrounds 6  
mp_overtime_startmoney 10000 

How do I change the maplist?

The maplist file used by the plugin is whatever the cvar sm_pugsetup_maplist is set to. By default, that is addons/sourcemod/pugsetup/configs/maps.txt. Edit this file with a map on each line to add/remove maps.

Alternatively just use the ingame .addmap and .removemap commands. For example:

.addmap de_cbble
.removemap de_dust2

How do I use workshop maps?

There are 2 ways:

  • add the full workshop map file path to the maplist as described above (example: workshop/201811336/de_toscan)
  • specify a workshop collection id for the cvar sm_pugsetup_maplist and install the SteamWorks extension, and that collection will be used as the maplist.

Remember, you can add normal (stock) maps to workshop collections too. You can find some of their pages in this collection.

How do I add custom commands (like .gaben to ready up)?

Add a new entry in addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/chataliases.cfg. For example:

	".gaben"		"sm_ready"

Alternatively, just type this ingame: .addalias .gaben sm_ready

How do I restrict players from using certain commands (like .setup?)

Edit addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/permissions.cfg. For example, if you want to make .setup only usable by admins, change

	"sm_setup"		"all"


	"sm_setup"		"admin"

How do I add myself as an admin so I can use .addmap and .addalias?

Check the Sourcemod wiki. The easiest way is to use the simple admins file.

Is this plugin usable in a public server?

Yes, though the default configuration is geared toward private servers that give the owner/users a great deal of control. In a public setting, you will generally need to change some settings to lock-down on what users can do.

Cvars I suggesting setting (cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/pugsetup.cfg):

  • sm_pugsetup_autosetup 1 (makes it so users don't have to .setup to begin a pug)
  • sm_pugsetup_pausing_enabled 0 (disables pausing)
  • sm_pugsetup_force_defaults 1

Permissions settings I suggest changing (addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/permissions.cfg):

  • set sm_endgame to "admin"
  • set sm_forceend to "admin"

Setup options I suggest changing: (addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/setupoptions.cfg):

  • set teamtype's default to either random, or autobalanced (if using the rwsbalancer plugin)
  • set kniferound's default to 0

Addon plugins I suggest using:

  • pugsetup_autokicker (kick players from joining when the pug is full)
  • pugsetup_rwsbalancer (if you want to use autobalanced teams)
  • pugsetup_teamlocker (to lock players into teams once the pug starts)

Is this plugin usable for tournaments?

Yes, though the default configuration is geared toward private servers that give the owner/users a great deal of control. Also consider using WarMod or get5, which are geared towards matches and has more match-related features.

If you do use this, I'd recommend doing some things:

Cvars I suggesting setting (cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/pugsetup.cfg):

  • sm_pugsetup_autosetup 1 (makes it so users don't have to .setup to begin a pug)
  • sm_pugsetup_randomize_maps 0

Permissions settings I suggest changing (addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/permissions.cfg):

  • set sm_endgame to "admin"
  • set sm_forceend to "admin"

Setup options I suggest changing: (addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/setupoptions.cfg):

  • set teamtype's default to manual teams
  • set maptype's default to current map or veto for maps

Addon plugins I suggest using:

  • pugsetup_autokicker (kick players from joining when the pug is full)
  • pugsetup_teamlocker (to lock players into teams once the pug starts)

How can I enable/disable other plugins when a pug starts/ends?

One way to enable some plugins is their enabled cvars. For example, multi1v1 provides the sm_multi1v1_enabled cvar, and retakes provides the sm_retakes_enabled cvar.

So, you could leave retakes, multi1v1, and pugsetup all on one server. You could also then add the commands to disable the other 2 plugins in the warmup config (default: cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/warmup.cfg) by adding

sm_retakes_enabled 0
sm_multi1v1_enabled 0

Then, whenever your done and want one of those plugins re-enabled, you can just set the value of the cvar yourself (e.g. rcon sm_retakes_enabled 1).

You could also use a postgame config (set the cvar sm_pugsetup_postgame_cfg in cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/pugsetup.cfg to a file you created) and set the enable-commands inside that file. For example, by adding sm_retakes_enabled 1 into the file so your server automatically re-enables retakes when a pug finishes.

How do I enable the use of aim_* maps during warmup periods?

The plugin has a setup option named "Use aim map warmup" that can be turned on. When it is turned on, a random map from addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/aim_maps.txt is chosen and the map is changed to it. After that, cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/aim_warmup.cfg is executed.

If you always want this feature used, consider changing the default setting for "aimwarmup" in addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/setupoptions.cfg.

Issues after a CS:GO update (aka HELP A CSGO UPDATE BROKE THE MOD!)

Sometimes a CS:GO update comes and breaks things. Usually it's just an issue of out of date "gamedata" that needs to be updated by the SourceMod community.

If you get errors in your sourcemod error logs (which are under addons/sourcemod/logs) that say things like:

  • Failed to locate function

fear not. It's okay. The SourceMod community will probably update the "gamedata" (how sourcemod finds the function its looking for) for CS:GO shortly. If you check the sourcemod commits you will likely see somebody update gamedata.

Once that is pushed to sourcemod, you can update it a few ways:

  • Restart your server twice. Sourcemod has gamedata autoupdating built in. Why twice? The first restart SM will load, then download new gamedata files. But that takes a few seconds, so it won't be able to use it yet - so the 2nd restart will load the new gamedata. Sourcemod logs will tell you if your gamedata has been updated.
  • Copy the gamedata/ file over. You probably shouldn't do this.
  • Screw it and and download the most recent sourcemod snapshot. Sometimes you have to do this if the breakages from the update are severe (i.e., can't be fixed solely with updating the gamedata).