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The Splunk Cloud Authentication Library for JavaScript, contains libraries for authenticating with the Splunk Cloud Platform.


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Splunk Cloud Services Auth Components

Build Status codecov lerna Conventional Commits Commitizen friendly

This repository contains a set of packages that you can use to authenticate users with Splunk Cloud Services. These packages are written in TypeScript for use in front-end web applications and Node.js server applications.


This monorepo contains the following packages.

Package Description
@splunk/cloud-auth-common Library of common shared components for authenticating with Splunk Cloud Services.
@splunk/cloud-auth-client Authentication library for front-end web applications.
@splunk/cloud-auth-node Authentication library for Node.js server-side applications.

Get started

Follow the instructions below to install and run the Auth packages in your local development environment.


Install the following tools before using the Auth packages:


The Auth packages are available in the @splunkdev package scope.

To install these packages into your project, use a node package manager such as npm or Yarn. For example:

npm install @splunk/cloud-auth-common @splunk/cloud-auth-client @splunk/cloud-auth-node 

Development Commands

Use the following npm script commands at the top level of the repository directory while developing.

Command Description
build Build all packages.
clean Remove all generated files and folders.
commit Run a git commit script that follows Conventional Commits.
cover Run unit tests with code coverage.
lint Run eslint for static code analysis.
third-party-licenses Generate the acknowledgement files for each package.
test Run unit tests.


For examples showing how to use the Auth packages, see the examples directory at the root level of each package directory.

Built with

Product Purpose
Yarn Yarn package management
Lerna JavaScript multi-package repository management
TypeScript TypeScript language
Mocha Mocha test framework
Istanbul Istanbul code coverage
SemVer Versioning

See also

File Description Guidelines for contributing to this project.
CODEOWNERS Authors of this project.
LICENSE.txt Apache 2.0 License for this project. Acknowledgements of the contributors of the libraries that have been used in the development of this project. Each package directory contains this file.


The Splunk Cloud Authentication Library for JavaScript, contains libraries for authenticating with the Splunk Cloud Platform.





