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The Splunk Software Development Kit for PHP (Preview)

This SDK makes it easy for PHP applications to communicate with and control a Splunk server. Such applications may start searches, display results, and perform administration tasks.

About Splunk

Splunk is a search engine and analytic environment that uses a distributed map-reduce architecture to efficiently index, search and process large time-varying data sets.

The Splunk product is popular with system administrators for aggregation and monitoring of IT machine data, security, compliance and a wide variety of other scenarios that share a requirement to efficiently index, search, analyze and generate real-time notifications from large volumes of time series data.


The Splunk Software Development Kit for PHP is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Details can be found in the file LICENSE.


The SDK requires PHP 5.2.11+ with the SimpleXML extension. PHP 5.3.7+ is highly recommended.

OpenSSL support for PHP is required to access Splunk over https:// URLs.

If using PHP < 5.3.7, the cURL extension is required as well. Under this configuration the SDK will not support streaming large results when accessing Splunk over https:// URLs.

Tested PHP versions:

  • PHP 5.4.x
    • PHP 5.4.5 - OK. Latest PHP as of 2012-08-01.
  • PHP 5.3.x
    • PHP 5.3.10 - OK. Default PHP for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
    • PHP 5.3.7 - OK.
    • PHP 5.3.6 - Mostly OK†.
    • PHP 5.3.3 - Mostly OK†. Default PHP for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
  • PHP 5.2.x
    • PHP 5.2.17 - Mostly OK†. Last version of PHP 5.2.x.
    • PHP 5.2.11 - Mostly OK†. Earliest PHP 5.2.x version known to work.
    • PHP 5.2.10 - Broken due to bug 48182.
    • PHP 5.2.9 - Broken due to bug 45092. Earliest recommended PHP for PHPUnit 3.6.
    • PHP 5.2.7 - Recalled due to security flaw. Earliest PHP supported by PHPUnit 3.6.

† Suffers from bug 54137. The SDK's workaround for this prevents streaming of large result sets when accessing Splunk over https:// URLs.

Getting Started

If you haven't already installed Splunk, download it here:

For more about installing and running Splunk and system requirements, see Installing & Running Splunk.

Get a copy of the Splunk PHP SDK from GitHub by cloning into the repository with git:

git clone

Layout of the SDK

examples Examples demonstrating various SDK features
Splunk Source for the SDK classes
Splunk.php Source for the SDK class autoloader
tests Source for unit tests


To run the examples, you will need to install a web server locally that supports PHP.

  • On Mac OS X, MAMP is recommended.
  • On Windows, XAMPP is recommended.
  • On Linux, install Apache and PHP from your package manager.

Then, move the entire splunk-sdk-php directory (containing examples and Splunk.php) inside your web server's document root.

  • For MAMP, the document root is located at: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
  • For XAMPP, the document root is located at: C:\xampp\htdocs\

Finally, copy settings.default.php in the examples directory to settings.local.php and update it with your Splunk server's credentials.

Then you should be able to access the SDK examples via a URL similar to:


(You may need to alter the port of the URL to another value such as 8080 or 80, depending on your web server.)

Unit Tests


  • PHPUnit 3.6+
  • Xdebug 2.0.5+ (for code coverage)
  • Copy settings.default.php in the tests directory to settings.local.php and update it with the credentials of a Splunk server reserved for testing.

To execute all unit tests, run:

phpunit tests

To execute only fast unit tests, run:

phpunit --exclude-group slow tests

To generate a code coverage report, run:

phpunit --coverage-html coverage tests
open coverage/Splunk.html

API Documentation


To generate the API documentation, run:

phpdoc -d Splunk -t apidocs


You can look at the changelog for each version here


The PHP SDK provides an object-oriented interface for interacting with a Splunk server.

To use the SDK, first import Splunk.php. This will give you access to all Splunk_* classes.

require_once 'Splunk.php';

Then use an instance of Splunk_Service to connect to a Splunk server.

$service = new Splunk_Service(array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => '8089',
    'username' => 'admin',
    'password' => 'changeme',

Once connected, you can manipulate various entities on the server, such as saved searches and search jobs.

For example, the following code runs a quick search and prints out the results.

// NOTE: The expression must begin with 'search '
$searchExpression = 'search index=_internal | head 100 | top sourcetype';

// Create oneshot search and get results
$resultsXmlString = $service->getJobs()->createOneshot($searchExpression);
$results = new Splunk_ResultsReader($resultsXmlString);

// Process results
foreach ($results as $result)
    if ($result instanceof Splunk_ResultsFieldOrder)
        // Process the field order
        print "FIELDS: " . implode(',', $result->getFieldNames()) . "\r\n";
    else if ($result instanceof Splunk_ResultsMessage)
        // Process a message
        print "[{$result->getType()}] {$result->getText()}\r\n";
    else if (is_array($result))
        // Process a row
        print "{\r\n";
        foreach ($result as $field => $valueOrValues)
            if (is_array($valueOrValues))
                $values = $valueOrValues;
                $valuesString = implode(',', $values);
                print "  {$key} => [{$valuesString}]\r\n";
                $value = $valueOrValues;
                print "  {$key} => {$value}\r\n";
        print "}\r\n";
        // Ignore unknown result type

Core Concepts

Entities and Collections

An entity is an object on a Splunk server. This includes saved searches, search jobs, indexes, inputs, and many others.

Each type of entity lives inside a collection. Each collection type can be accessed on the Splunk_Service object.

So, for example, to fetch a list of saved searches or search jobs:

$savedSearches = $service->getSavedSearches()->items();  // in the default namespace
$jobs = $service->getJobs()->items();                    // in the default namespace

You can also fetch a particular entity in a collection by name:

$topSourcetypesSearch = $service->getSavedSearches()->get('Top five sourcetypes');


An entity has a namespace, which corresponds to entity's access permissions.

All functions that fetch an individual entity or a list of entities can be provided a namespace argument. (If you omit this argument, the Splunk_Service's default namespace will be used.)

So, for example, to get the list of saved searches owned by user admin in the search app:

$savedSearches = $service->getSavedSearches()->items(array(
	'namespace' => Splunk_Namespace::createUser('admin', 'search'),

Or to get an individual entity in a namespace:

$topSourcetypesSearch = $service->getSavedSearches()->get(
	'Top five sourcetypes',

If you typically access lots of objects in the same namespace, it is possible to pass a default namespace to the Splunk_Service constructor. This allows you to avoid passing an explicit namespace on every call to get() or items().

$service = new Splunk_Service(array(
    'namespace' => Splunk_Namespace::createUser('admin', 'search'),

$jobs = $service->getJobs()->items();			// in the admin/search namespace
$indexes = $service->getIndexes()->items(array(	// in the system namespace
	'namespace' => Splunk_Namespace::createSystem(),

For reference, the types of namespaces are:

  • The default namespace - Splunk_Namespace::createDefault()
    • Contains entities owned by the authenticated user in that user's default app.
    • For example, if you logged in to Splunk_Service as the user admin and the default application for that user was search, the default namespace would include all entities belonging to admin in app search.
    • This namespace is used if no explicit namespace is provided.
  • A user namespace - Splunk_Namespace::createUser($owner, $app)
    • Contains entities owned by a particular user in a particular app.
  • An app namespace - Splunk_Namespace::createApp($app)
    • Contains entities in a particular app that have no owner .
  • A global namespace - Splunk_Namespace::createGlobal($app)
    • Contains entities in a particular app that have no owner and that are accessible to all apps.
  • The system namespace - Splunk_Namespace::createSystem()
    • Contains entities in the system app.

Common Tasks

Running a Search with a Search Expression

Oneshot Searches

For searches that run quickly with a small number of results, it is easiest to create a oneshot search:

// NOTE: The expression must begin with 'search '
$searchExpression = 'search index=_internal | head 100 | top sourcetype';

// Create oneshot search and get results
$resultsXmlString = $service->getJobs()->createOneshot($searchExpression);
$results = new Splunk_ResultsReader($resultsXmlString);

// Process results
foreach ($results as $result)
    if ($result instanceof Splunk_ResultsFieldOrder)
        // Process the field order
        // ...
    else if ($result instanceof Splunk_ResultsMessage)
        // Process a message
        print "[{$result->getType()}] {$result->getText()}\r\n";
	else if (is_array($result))
        // Process a row
        foreach ($result as $field => $valueOrValues)
            // ...
        // Ignore unknown result type

A oneshot search blocks until it completes and returns all results immediately.

Blocking Search Jobs

For searches that return a large number of results whose progress you don't need to monitor, it is easiest to create a blocking search job:

// NOTE: The expression must begin with 'search '
$searchExpression = 'search index=_internal | head 1000';

// Create blocking search job and get results
$job = $service->getJobs()->create($searchExpression, array(
	'exec_mode' => 'blocking',
$results = $job->getResults();

// Process results

Blocking search jobs wait until all results are available.

Asynchronous (Normal) Search Jobs

For most searches that could potentially return a large number of results, you should create an asynchronous (normal) search job.

Asynchronous jobs allow you to monitor their progress while they are running.

// NOTE: The expression must begin with 'search '
$searchExpression = 'search index=_internal | head 10000';

// Create normal search job
$job = $service->getJobs()->create($searchExpression);

// Wait for job to complete and get results
while (!$job->isDone())
	printf("Progress: %03.1f%%\r\n", $job->getProgress() * 100);
	usleep(0.5 * 1000000);
$results = $job->getResults();

// Process results

Running a Saved Search

You can create a normal search job based on a saved search by calling dispatch() on the Splunk_SavedSearch object.

$savedSearch = $service->getSavedSearches()->get('Top five sourcetypes');

// Create normal search job based on the saved search
$job = $savedSearch->dispatch();

// Wait for job to complete and get results

// Process results

Running a Realtime Search

A realtime search must be run as an asynchronous search job. The blocking and oneshot modes do not work, because a realtime search never actually completes.

To get results from a realtime search, the getResultsPreviewPage() method must be used instead of the getResults() method.


You can find anything having to do with developing on Splunk at the Splunk developer portal:

Reference documentation for the Splunk REST API:

Overview of Splunk and links to additional product information:


Stay connected with other developers building on Splunk.

Twitter @splunkdev

How to contribute

If you would like to contribute to the SDK, please follow one of the links provided below.


  1. You will be granted support if you or your company are already covered under an existing maintenance/support agreement. Send an email to and please include the SDK you are referring to in the subject.
  2. If you are not covered under an existing maintenance/support agreement you can find help through the broader community at:
    Splunk answers - Specific tags (SDK, java, python, javascript) are available to identify your questions
    Splunk dev google group -
  3. Splunk will NOT provide support for SDKs if the core library (this is the code in the Splunk directory) has been modified. If you modify an SDK and want support, you can find help through the broader community and Splunk answers (see above). We also want to know about why you modified the core library. You can send feedback to:

Contact Us

You can reach the Dev Platform team at