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Example project to illustrate usage of FastApi and SQLModel in conjunction with Docker Compose.


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FastAPI with SQLModel and Docker Compose

Example project to illustrate usage of FastAPI and SQLModel in conjunction with Docker Compose.


The example application is a simple REST API that allows clients to GET POST PATCH and DELETE "messages". These are composed of the actual message text and a label that is either "unknown", "funny" or "informative". The messages are stored in a PostgreSQL database.

On the one hand, I hope the examples are helpful and informative for people studying the above frameworks and technologies.
On the other hand, this project should provide a skeleton, that can be used as a starter for (small) real-world projects.

Topics addressed are

  • Example application using FastAPI and SQLModel
  • Testing the application
  • Assembling multiple services with docker compose
  • Configuring these services using environment variables
  • Suggested conventions for handling this configuration in the application code to facilitate code readability and testability


Prerequisites: The following section assumes that Docker and Docker Compose are installed. See here for directions.

Quick Start

Install development requirements via

pip install -r requirements.txt

and start the development stack via

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev.yml --env-file dev.env up -d

Navigate to to explore the interactive API documentation.

Run tests with

pytest ./api

and code style checks with

flake8 ./api

Stop the development stack with

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev.yml --env-file dev.env down


Docker Compose

There is one directory per service defined in docker-compose.yml. The directory ./api contains all files for the FastAPI application, especially the source code. The directory ./postgres contains files only relevant to the postgresql database, e.g. the script for user initialization.

As illustrated in the previous Quick Start section, any Docker Compose COMMAND (up, build etc.) is used like this during development:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev.yml --env-file dev.env COMMAND

docker-compose.yml contains the base configuration of the services that is complemented with the configuration in dev.yml. The latter configuration file adjust the basic configuration for development convenience by:

  • Mounting the API source code and running uvicorn with the --reload flag. This way, the effects of code changes are applied immediately and there is no need to rebuild the image to test each change during development.
  • The postgres service is exposed to the host, so one can easily connect to the development database with tools such as pgadmin for debugging, etc.
  • An additional database service postgres-test is included that will be used during tests (note the pytest fixture db_uri in ./api/tests/ The rationale for using an extra DB is, that tests expect an empty DB, that might be seeded with specific data for a given test case.

The configuration of the development environment is completed by dev.env, which is the only env file kept in version control and should never be used in a production setting.
The Docker Compose files (docker-compose.yml, dev.yml) show how the values set in the --env-file are passed to the service containers as environment variables.

For more information on combining multiple compose files and setting environment variables refer to the official docker documentation here and here, respectivey.

The FastAPI application

The application source code is located in api/api. The subpackage data_management contains data model definitions as well as CRUD and database connection utils. The subpackage routers contains the actual definition of the applications HTTP interface.
The model naming scheme in api/api/data_management/ and usage of fastapi's dependency injection mechanism for database sessions in api/api/routers/ was inspired by this excellent sqlmodel tutorial.

The main entrypoint of the application is api.main. It assembles and sets up the different lower level components.

Finally, api.settings.Settings is responsible for reading any environment configuration using Pydantic Settings Management. Note that the attribute names of the Settings class are just lower case versions of the variable names passed to the API container in docker-compose.yml, and hence pydantic will load those values automatically from the environment variables.

The application uses the following convention for configuration handling: api.settings.Settings is the only place that reads variables from the environment. The main entrypoint api.main resolves this configuration and passes the required dependencies to lower level components, e.g. from .settings import Settings happens only in api.main and the db_uri is passed down to the class responsible for establishing database connections.

Separating configuration from the application code in this way, facilitates testability, and specifically the usage of tools such as pytest fixtures and fastapi dependency_overrides. It should also improve readability, as developers can easily comprehend how certain environment settings affect the application without searching the code base for config classes or os.getenv calls.




Example project to illustrate usage of FastApi and SQLModel in conjunction with Docker Compose.








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