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Alejandro committed Dec 13, 2010
1 parent 14e9771 commit 9d3c5d1
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Showing 3 changed files with 229 additions and 11 deletions.
189 changes: 178 additions & 11 deletions Example.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import AFRP
import Control.Arrow

import Data.IORef
-- I would use a Map instead of [(a,b)], but it's not available
-- import Data.Map

import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
Expand All @@ -14,13 +16,120 @@ data JSRawInput = JSRawInput {
jsMousePosition :: (Int, Int)
data JSResponse = JSInit
data JSRequest = JSSetTextRequest
| JSLabelCreateResp
| JSDeComp (Event JSResponse,Event JSResponse)
data JSRequest = JSLabelCreateReq JSLabelState
| JSLabelSetReq JSLabelState
| JSComp (Event JSRequest,Event JSRequest)

type Responder a b = SF (JSRawInput, Event JSResponse, a) (Event JSRequest, b)

-- for now our GUI is just a map of elements, no layout
newtype JSGUI a b = JSGUI (Responder a b)

-- Lifting/lowering

jsUnGUI :: JSGUI b c -> Responder b c
jsUnGUI (JSGUI w) = w

jsSF :: SF b c -> JSGUI b c
jsSF sf = JSGUI $ proc (_,_,b) -> do
c <- sf -< b
returnA -< (noEvent,c)

jsArr :: (b -> c) -> JSGUI b c
jsArr f = jsSF (arr f)

jsFirst :: JSGUI b c -> JSGUI (b,d) (c,d)
jsFirst (JSGUI w) = JSGUI $ proc (inp,resp,(b,d)) -> do
(req,c) <- w -< (inp,resp,b)
returnA -< (req,(c,d))

decompResp :: Event JSResponse -> (Event JSResponse,Event JSResponse)
decompResp (Event JSInit) = (Event JSInit, Event JSInit)
decompResp (Event (JSDeComp (resp0,resp1))) = (resp0,resp1)
decompResp _ = (noEvent,noEvent)

compReq :: Event JSRequest -> Event JSRequest -> Event JSRequest
compReq NoEvent NoEvent = noEvent
compReq req0 req1 = Event (JSComp (req0,req1))

jsComp :: JSGUI b c -> JSGUI c d -> JSGUI b d
jsComp (JSGUI w1) (JSGUI w2) = JSGUI $ proc (inp,resp,b) -> do
let (resp1,resp2) = decompResp resp
(req1,c) <- w1 -< (inp,resp1,b)
(req2,d) <- w2 -< (inp,resp2,c)
returnA -< (compReq req1 req2,d)

jsLoop :: JSGUI (b,d) (c,d) -> JSGUI b c
jsLoop (JSGUI w) = JSGUI $ proc (inp,resp,b) -> do
rec (req,(c,d)) <- w -< (inp,resp,(b,d))
returnA -< (req,c)

instance Category JSGUI where
(.) = flip jsComp
id = arr

instance Arrow JSGUI where
arr = jsArr
first = jsFirst

instance ArrowLoop JSGUI where
loop = jsLoop

type JSRHandle = ReactHandle (JSRawInput, Event JSResponse, ()) (Event JSRequest, ())

-- Static text (label) widget: Displays a string, and has
-- no output.

-- State

data JSLabelState = JSLabelState {
labelDiv :: String,
labelText :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)

type JSLabelConf = JSLabelState -> JSLabelState

-- Constructor

label :: String -> JSLabelConf
label text ls = ls {labelText = text}

div_ :: String -> JSLabelConf
div_ div ls = ls {labelDiv = div}

-- The label GUI

jsLabel :: JSLabelConf -> JSGUI JSLabelConf ()
jsLabel conf0 =
let -- Initial state
defState = JSLabelState {labelDiv = "label", labelText = "Default"}
initState = conf0 defState

-- Detect creation
maybeCreate JSLabelCreateResp = Just True
maybeCreate _ = Nothing

in JSGUI $ proc (_,resp,conf) -> do
-- State
rec state <- iPre initState -< conf state
stateChanged <- edgeBy maybeChanged initState -< state

-- Creation
isCreated <- hold False -< mapFilterE maybeCreate resp
let doCreate = if isCreated then noEvent else Event ()

-- Output
let req = lMerge (tag doCreate (JSLabelCreateReq state))
(tag stateChanged (JSLabelSetReq state))
returnA -< (req,())

jsMouse :: JSGUI () (Int, Int)
jsMouse = JSGUI $ proc (inp,_,_) -> do
returnA -< (noEvent, jsMousePosition inp)

type JSGUIState = Int
type JSGUIRef = IORef JSGUIState

Expand All @@ -30,6 +139,7 @@ startGUI (JSGUI g) = do
epoch <- getCurrentTime
gsr <- newIORef epoch
rh <- reactInit initSense (actuate gsr) g
addEvent (stringToJSString "") (stringToJSString "timeout") gsr rh NoEvent
return ()

-- Get an input sample from the OS.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,32 +177,75 @@ respond gsr rh resp = do
actuate :: JSGUIRef -> JSRHandle -> Bool -> (Event JSRequest,()) -> IO Bool
actuate gsr rh _ (wre,_) =
do -- Handle requests, if any.
--(f,t,prevc) <- readIORef gsr
--(resp,c,cch) <- handleWidgetReq gsr rh f [] prevc wre
t <- readIORef gsr
resp <- handleWidgetReq gsr rh wre

-- Reset layout if contents changed.
-- *No layouting in this example*

-- Turn around and respond to the widgets, if necessary.
-- Note that this causes a reentrant call to react.
--case resp of
-- NoEvent -> return ()
-- _ -> respond gsr rh resp
case resp of
NoEvent -> return ()
_ -> respond gsr rh resp

return False

handleWidgetReq :: JSGUIRef -> JSRHandle -> (Event JSRequest) -> IO (Event JSResponse)
handleWidgetReq _ _ NoEvent = return NoEvent
handleWidgetReq _ _ (Event (JSLabelCreateReq t)) = do
changeText (stringToJSString . labelDiv $ t) (stringToJSString . labelText $ t)
return $ Event JSLabelCreateResp
handleWidgetReq _ _ (Event (JSLabelSetReq t)) = do
changeText (stringToJSString . labelDiv $ t) (stringToJSString . labelText $ t)
return NoEvent

-- Utility functions from Yampa, UHC blog and Javascript reference

type JSString = PackedString
stringToJSString :: String -> JSString
jsStringToString :: JSString -> String

foreign import jscript "getCurrentTime()" getCurrentTime :: IO Int
foreign import jscript "mouseX()" getMouseX :: IO Int
foreign import jscript "mouseY()" getMouseY :: IO Int
foreign import jscript "setInterval(%*)" setInterval :: (a -> ()) -> Int -> IO Int
foreign import jscript "clearInterval(%*)" clearInterval :: Int -> IO ()
foreign import jscript "getCurrentTime()" getCurrentTime :: IO Int
foreign import jscript "mouseX()" getMouseX :: IO Int
foreign import jscript "mouseY()" getMouseY :: IO Int
foreign import jscript "addEvent(%*)" addEvent :: JSString -> JSString -> JSGUIRef -> JSRHandle -> Event JSResponse -> IO ()
foreign import jscript "changeText(%*)" changeText :: JSString -> JSString -> IO ()

-- Fake code for compiling in GHC --

type JSString = String
stringToJSString :: String -> JSString
stringToJSString = id
jsStringToString :: JSString -> String
jsStringToString = id
getCurrentTime :: IO Int
getCurrentTime = return 3
getMouseX = getCurrentTime
getMouseY = getCurrentTime
addEvent :: JSString -> JSString -> JSGUIRef -> JSRHandle -> Event JSResponse -> IO ()
addEvent _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
changeText :: JSString -> JSString -> IO ()
changeText _ _ = return ()


-- Utility to detect when a widget's state has changed
maybeChanged :: Eq a => a -> a -> Maybe ()
maybeChanged s s' = if s == s' then Nothing else Just ()

-- ensure an observable amount of time elapses by busy-waiting.
Expand All @@ -116,3 +269,17 @@ ensureTimeElapses t0 t1 getTime = do
else do t' <- getTime
ensureTimeElapses t0 t' getTime


example :: JSGUI () ()
example = proc _ -> do
rec mpos <- jsMouse -< ()
_ <- jsLabel (div_ "example") -< (label $ show (fst mpos))
returnA -< ()

main :: IO ()
main = startGUI example
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions compile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

arrowp < ${1} > ${1/.hs/.no-arrows.hs}
uhc -t jscript ${1/.hs/.no-arrows.hs}
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions lib.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
function getCurrentTime() {
var d = new Date();
return d.getTime();

function mousePosition() {
var posx = 0;
var posy = 0;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
posx = e.pageX;
posy = e.pageY;
else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft
+ document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop
+ document.documentElement.scrollTop;
// posx and posy contain the mouse position relative to the document
// Do something with this information

return [posx, posy];

function mouseX() {
var position = mousePosition();
return position[0];

function mouseY() {
var position = mousePosition();
return position[1];

function changeText(div, text) {
document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = text;

function addEvent(div, event, guiref, rhandle, response) {
if (event == "timeout") {
var closure = function() {
respond(guiref, rhandle, response);
setTimeout(closure, 30);

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