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Sebastien Pouliot edited this page Feb 9, 2011 · 1 revision


Reporting Bugs

If you are familiar with Mono then reporting bugs is almost identical, if not read on...

Ideally all bugs should be reported in Novell's bugzilla. You'll need to set up an account to report bugs. If you have doubts (e.g. is it a bug or feature ? ;-) feel free to ask on our mailing-list. Note that it is much easier to forget (or partially fix) bugs from emails than it is to forget about for bugzilla. So you should, once all doubts are cleared, still fill out bug report(s) on bugzilla.

Gendarme Specific Guidelines

Beside the usual guidelines there are a few things that will make it a lot easier (and more likely) to fix the reported bug(s).

Extra Details

  • Which compiler was used to compile the assembly, e.g. MS csc, Mono mcs...
  • Which version of the compilers was used to compile the assembly, e.g. VS2010 / CSC10, Mono 2.8...
  • Which runner was used to find the bug, e.g. console, wizard...


  • Critical: The console or wizard runner cannot start (it should be pretty rare);
  • Major: Crashes or exceptions when analyzing code
  • Normal: Bugs (e.g. defect not reported) and false positives (defects that should not be reported)
  • Enhancements: New rules, new options to the runners...

Test Cases

Since we cannot fix what we cannot reproduce we need either:

  • the source code that can compiled into a standalone test case or (better) as a unit test; or
  • an assembly binary that will show the issue - most useful when not compiled from C#.

Bugs that are easy to reproduce are often the ones that get fastest fixes!

Suggesting Changes

If you have several or hard reference(s), e.g. the .NET framework design guidelines, for a specific change then you can report them directly to bugzilla. Please make sure to include link(s) to the reference(s) in your description.

Otherwise the mailing-list should be used when you wish to suggest changes to existing rules since this often requires discussions that benefits from the feedback from the whole community. Once a general consensus is reached then a bug report can be filled with a summary of (or links to) the discussions.

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