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Releases: spree/spree_rails_frontend


27 May 13:48
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This release makes the Frontend gem fully compatible with Hotwire/Turbo, switches to Importmap asset handling - the new default in Rails, and introduces a new updated look and feel. Enjoy!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.7.0...v4.8.0

Version 4.7.0

09 Nov 18:35
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Spree 4.7 is a technology upgrade, that's focused on bringing Rails 7.1 support and various internal improvements. As a step in moving away from our dependency on deface, Spree Backend now makes it possible to customize its main elements without using deface.

Major Changes

Spree Core

Spree Backend

  • Added an interface for customizing main menu, tabs and action buttons without using deface by @tomdonarski
  • Added compatibility with Rails 7.1 by @rafalcymerys
  • Removed unnecessary references to Spree Globalize by @rafalcymerys
  • Removed unnecessary Rails 5 version checks by @rafalcymerys
  • Upgrade JS dependencies by @rafalcymerys

Spree Frontend (Spree Rails Frontend)

New Contributors

Version 4.6.0

31 May 13:54
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Spree 4 6

Major changes

  • Built-in support for content translations, which allows Spree-based stores to have product, taxon, and store information in multiple languages. We’re making translations a first-class citizen, so that you don’t have to worry about extensions like spree-globalize not being compatible with other spree extensions. The translations are available via both Spree API and Spree Rails Frontend. On the database level, they’re compatible with spree_globalize, so that you don’t have to worry about compatibility when upgrading old applications.
  • Added Data Feeds, that allow you to create RSS feeds for Google Merchant Center and Meta Ad Manager. It’s also possible to create custom types of feeds when needed.

Changes in Spree Rails Frontend

  • The frontend now persists users’ locale for future sessions and asynchronous communication
  • The frontend supports the new translatable attributes in entities

Version 4.5.0

02 Dec 10:58
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  • Fixed conflicts in javascript assets between Spree Frontend and Spree Backend
  • Fixed issue with disabled “Add to Cart” button on product pages
  • Added troubleshooting instructions for common issues and errors to ReadMe

See the Spree Commerce 4.5.0 Release Notes for an overview of all changes related to spree.

Version 4.4.0

16 Mar 14:26
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Fixed compatibility with Spree 4.4 🎉