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An elegant framework for discord.js :)

Still under development (v0), only msgCreate is supported for now...


  • Typescript support
  • Simple and intuitive
  • State management
    more coming soon

Getting Started


npm i breezer.js
npm i discord.js@v13

Project setup


A Basic Example

index.js :

import { Bot } from 'breezer.js'

const bot = new Bot({
    token: "<BOT_TOKEN>",
    prefix: "+",
    commandsFolder: "commands",
    // intents: []

bot.go(() => console.log('Logged In'));

It is as easy as it looks.
The commandsFolder is where all your commands will be stored.
Everything else is quite straightforward. Fill in some details and you’re ready to go()!

Note: There is also an [optional] property to have custom intents. Breezer automatically sets the most common ones by default.

commands/ping.js :

import { Command } from 'breezer.js'

export default class extends Command<[]> {
    constructor() {
            structure: [],
            name: 'ping', // same as the file name
            strict: true // optional (def:false)

    async execute() {
            content: 'Pong!',
            allowedMentions: {
                repliedUser: false

In this framework, every command is represented as a class that inherits from the Command class. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  1. Command Class Generic Type (Command<[]>):

    • Purpose: This generic type defines the structure of your command.
    • Benefit: It helps with type inference for different fields returned by the this.extract() method (which will be explained later).
  2. structure Property:

    • Purpose: This property defines the structure of your command.
    • Benefit: It is useful for extracting and validating the fields of your commands.
    • Note: If there are no fields for a command, the structure property will be empty. Its utility will be clearer in the context of the next command.
  3. strict Property:

    • Purpose: When set to true, this property enables error and warning reporting for several scenarios:
      • If a user does not follow the defined command structure.
      • If a deleted message still listens for certain states.
      • If an expired message listens for certain states.
    • Recommendation: This feature should only be enabled during development to catch and address potential issues early.
  4. name Property:

    • Purpose: This optional property helps with debugging, especially when strict mode is enabled.
  5. execute Method:

    • Purpose: This is where you define the logic for what your command should do.

By structuring your commands with these properties, you ensure that they are well-defined, validated, and easier to debug and maintain. commands/calc.js:

import { Command } from 'breezer.js'

export default class extends Command<[string]> {
    constructor() {
            structure: ['string'],
            name: 'calc'

    async execute() {
        // operation: string
        const [operation] = this.extract();
        let value;
        try {
            value = eval(operation);
        } catch (_) {
            value = 'Invalid Operation'

Here the structure has string as its first and only option. Now the user can easily extract the fields using this.extract.

Context: The string that user provides in the field will be an expression: 1*3
Warning: Never use eval in this manner, as the operation within the string is unknown and could be potentially dangerous.

Structure can have these values:

"string", "string|null", "number", "number|null"

The nullable properties keep you safe in strict mode and while extracting.

Example of a structure:

["string", "number", "number", "string|null"]

Here a command will accept 4 options.
If a user does not follow this structure in strict mode, it'll raise an error and you bot will stop.
You can also easily extract these options:

// inside execute()
const [opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4] = this.extract();

NOTE: There can be only one nullable option, that too at the end.


import { Command, StateManager } from 'breezer.js';
import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js';

const state = new StateManager({
    count: 1
export default class extends Command<[number]> {
    constructor() {
            name: 'mul',
            structure: ["number"],
            states: state.clone(),
            strict: true,
            till: 1
    async execute() {
        // by: number
        const [by] = this.extract();

        await this.send({
            embeds: [
                new MessageEmbed({
                    title: `${by} x $count$ = << ${by} * $count$ >>`
        setInterval(() => {
            this.states.set('count', p => p + 1);
        }, 1000);

States are special values that, when referenced in the message payload using a specific "stringy" format, update their reference in the original message as their values change.

We mention them inside strings using the dollar reference, like this:

You can also do operations on states, only when they lie inside << ... >>

// js methods
  content: "Answer is: << ['first', 'third'].includes('$answer$') >>"
// ternary operations
  content: "Count is: << $count$ > 5 : 'Big' :'Small' >>"
// arithmetic operations
  content: "Answer = << $num1$ + (($num2$ - 3) * 5)/10 >>"
  // yes, you can have 2 state in an operation!

Inside the constructor:

  • states: This will be an instance of the StateManager class. You can either clone it to create an independent instance or refer to the original object directly.

    • Note: If you use the original StateManager object, the state value will be "cached" for each command a user runs. This means it will pick up the last updated value as the initial value, instead of using the hardcoded one inside the StateManager object.
  • till: msg listens to its state(s) for a defined duration, specified in minutes, using this property (default: 15 minutes).
    Alternatively, set it to "forever" if you want the message to always listen for the state(s).

This is what that example cmd (mul) looks in action:



These are some extra functions available in the library to make stuff easier.


This handler is a syntactic-sugar for createMessageComponentCollector.
This can be used in situations when one wants to collect button interactions if some specific users click the button.

import { buttonSignal } from 'breezer.js'

// inisde execute()
const sentMsg = this.msg.reply({
    components: [row]

    ['userid1', 'userid2'], // users
    sentMsg, // msg
    { max: 3, time: 2000 } // props (opt)

).on('collect', async btn => {
    await btn.deferUpdate();
}).on('end', async collection => {

 This signal will listen for 
    * max 3 clicks, for
    * 2 seconds, from
    * user with id 1 and 2 only, on
    * every button in the "row"

The buttonSignal function accepts three arguments:

  • users: An array containing the user IDs who are allowed to click the button. If the array is empty, anyone can click the button.
  • msg: The message that contains the buttons.
  • props: An optional parameter specifying the following properties:
    • customId: The ID of the specific button in the row that you'll listen to.
    • max: The maximum number of valid clicks.
    • time: The time interval (in milliseconds) during which the button will be valid and clicks will be considered.

This function returns the normal discord's interaction listener listening for collect and end.

HasPerm Methods

A method and a function to check if the bot or any user has certain perm in the channel linked to a cmd's msg.

Inside a Command class (checks only for the bot)

this.botHasPerm( perm: PermissionResolvable ): boolean

Anywhere (checks for any user)

import { userHasPerm } from 'breezer.js';
userHasPerm( perm, userId: string, msg: Message ): Promise<boolean>