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spyroot edited this page Jun 24, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the tcactl wiki!

Initial setup.

The tool uses a default config that must be in the user's home. tcactl allows you to set this variable via tcactl set command or just edit a yaml file.

# Each TCA instance can have many cloud providers attached.
# Default cloud is used as default cloud when a client doesn't indicate cloud provider.
defaultcloud: default
# The same for a cluster.  For example, if we need to use default K8s tenant cluster edge.
defaultcluster: edge
# When we deploy - instantiate what node pool to use for the case if the client doesn't indicate explicitly
defaultnodepool: default
license: apache
output: default
stderrthreshold: INFO
tca-endpoint: https://tca_ip_or_fqdn
tca-password: VMware1!
tca-username: administrator@vsphere.local
harbor-username: admin
harbor-password: my_password
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