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Marcel Härtel edited this page Aug 19, 2023 · 1 revision

MonoGame.Forms.NET.Controls Namespace


GameControl This class mainly creates the [!:GraphicsDeviceControl.GraphicsDevice], the SwapChainRenderTarget and the game loop. It inherits from GraphicsDeviceControl, which makes its childs available as a tool box control.
GraphicsDeviceControl This class mainly creates the GraphicsDevice and the SwapChainRenderTarget. It inherits from Control, which makes its childs available as a tool box control.
InvalidationControl Inherit from this class in your custom class to create an invalidation control, which is selectable from the ToolBox during design time. It provides 'NO' game loop, but it's updated through invalidation (Invalidate()). You need to call 'Invalidate()' on a custom control by yourself to update its contents.


This control is useful as a simple CPU gentle control, which doesn't need a classical game loop like a preview window for textures.

MonoGameControl Inherit from this class in your custom class to create a draw control with a game loop, which is selectable from the ToolBox during design time. It provides a game loop and a place to draw.


This game loop control is useful as a window, which needs a classical game loop for complex GameTime based mechanics.


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