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Error Handling

Tony Arcieri edited this page Jul 16, 2016 · 2 revisions

Rails::Auth includes two different middlewares for rendering error responses: one for debugging, and one intended for production environments which renders a static 403 page (or corresponding JSON response).

Debug Page

The Rails::Auth::ErrorPage::DebugMiddleware provides a rich inspector for why access was denied:

Debug Page

This page is enabled automatically in the development environment for Rails apps. It can also be enabled in production by passing the error_page: :debug option to Rails::Auth::ConfigBuilder.production. See Rails Usage for more information.

Static Page

The Rails::Auth::ErrorPage::Middleware renders a static HTML page and/or JSON response in the event of an authorization failure.

This middleware is used by default in the production environment, and defaults to rendering public/403.html. The location of the page can be overridden using the error_page: option and passing a Pathname or String to the file's location. ERB is not presently supported. See Rails Usage for more information.

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