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Tony Arcieri edited this page Jul 16, 2016 · 9 revisions

Rails::Auth is designed to support microservice ecosystems identified by X.509 Certificates. This provides strong cryptographic authentication when used in conjunction with HTTPS. To use Rails::Auth in this capacity, you will need to set up an internal certificate authority (using e.g. cfssl or openssl ca) and then create an X.509 certificate for each microservice in your infrastructure.

ACL Matcher

To enable X.509 support in Rails::Auth, pass in the matcher class for X.509 certificates: Rails::Auth::X509::Matcher class when creating your Access Control List object, along with a key name you'll use in your ACL like allow_x509_subject.

Now when you define your ACL, you can restrict access to particular routes based on the client's X.509 certificate:

- resources:
  - method: ALL
    path: /foo/bar/.*
    ou: ponycopter

The following options can be passed to the matcher:

  • cn: common name of the certificate, e.g. app name or app/host
  • ou: organizational unit name of the certificate, e.g. app name or team name


For X.509 client certificate-based authentication to work, you will need to configure your web server to include them in your Rack environment, and also configure cert_filters correctly to filter and process them from the Rack environment.

For example, if you're using nginx + Passenger, you'll need to add something like the following to your nginx configuration:

passenger_set_cgi_param X-SSL-Client-Cert $ssl_client_raw_cert;

Once the client certificate is in the Rack environment in some form, you'll need to configure a filter object which can convert it from its Rack environment form into an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate instance. There are two built in filters you can reference as symbols to do this:

  • :pem: parses certificates from the Privacy Enhanced Mail format
  • :java: converts certificate chains

The cert_filters parameter is a mapping of Rack environment names to corresponding filters:

cert_filters: { "X-SSL-Client-Cert" => :pem }

In addition to these symbols, a filter can be any object that responds to the #call method, such as a Proc. The following filter will parse PEM certificates:

cert_filters: {
  "X-SSL-Client-Cert" => proc do |pem|

When certificates are recognized and verified, a Rails::Auth::X509::Certificate object will be added to the Rack environment under env["rails-auth.credentials"]["x509"]. This middleware will never add any certificate to the environment's credentials that hasn't been verified against the configured CA bundle.