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Installation Guide

Michael Finch edited this page May 24, 2016 · 19 revisions

This guide is designed to get you up and running on your local development machine as quickly as possible.


  • Ruby: Use version 2.2 or later. Installation guides found here
  • Go: Use version 1.4 or later. Installation guides found here
  • MySQL: Use version 5.5 or later. Installation guides found here
  • Percona Toolkit: Use version 2.2.15. Installation guides found here

Apply the pt-online-schema-change patch

git clone
patch your/path/to/pt-online-schema-change shift/ptosc-patch/0001-ptosc-square-changes.patch

Startup the rails server

# install rvm and ruby 2.2. see
\curl -sSL | bash
. .bash_profile
rvm install ruby-2.2
rvm use ruby-2.2

# clone the repo and install gems
git clone
cd shift/ui
gem install bundler
bundle install
# if bundle install complains about installing mysql2, try the following:
# yum install mysql-devel -y OR apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

# Edit config/database.yml to include your database's connection details

# create the database and seed it with some data
bundle exec rake db:setup

# start the rails server
bundle exec rails server

# navigate to in your browser

Startup the go runner

# get it and install dependencies
go get -v

cd $GOPATH/src/
# Edit config/* as necessary

# start the runner
go run main.go -logtostderr