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Frequently Asked Homework Questions

Klementyna Kasraie edited this page Sep 22, 2017 · 2 revisions

General Questions

  1. I can't log in to the server.

    • The server has been going down occasionally. We are working to restore it and make sure that everything is consistently up and running. If you have a problem logging in, but were able to access the server before, please wait and try again later, chances are everything will be back up. Please don't wait until the last minute to upload your homework files!
  2. How do I get the assignment?

    • First, make sure you have cloned the github repository on your account on the cluster. Here are the steps:
      1. login via SSH (like SmartTTY or Terminal on mac)
      2. create a directory with “mkdir MSA8010F17”
      3. make this your current working “cd MSA8010F17”
      4. then being inside this directory run the command “git clone”
    • To get updated files for your assignment, do “git pull” anywhere inside your cloned repository.
  3. How do I submit my assignment?

    • To submit, just place all files in the HW?? (HW01, HW02, etc) directory under MSA8010F17/[this weeks class]/ in your cloned github repository on the cluster. The full file path will look something like /home/[your username]/[maybe some other stuff]/MSA8010F17/[this weeks class]/HW[week number]/[your files go here].
  4. How do I check my grade?

    • To check your grade, open a terminal on the cluster and use the "homework" command. For example, to check your grade on homework 1, you would type:
      homework MSA8010F17 HW01
      in the command prompt. Note: you may have to change the class name in the command from MSA8010F17 to the folder name where the "DataScienceProgramming" git repository was created.