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Homework 6 questions

Klementyna Kasraie edited this page Oct 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

Question 1

For number 1, will we have to assign those data types to the columns? When I do dtypes command I see different types than the ones you require.

Yes, the types I ask for are different from the dtypes! You will have to think about each column separately and label it!

Question 4

I can't download the cereal data using wget!

This is odd, and there seems to be some change in the website, because I did get the data with wget before. To make sure everyone can complete the assignment, I've uploaded the ceral.csv file to /home/data/cereal/. Please run "cp /home/data/cereal/cereal.csv ." from your hw directory to get the data, and skip doing the wget if it's not working for you.