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This repository hosts the source code of website and is being served using GitHub Pages. The structure of this site is tweaked a bit from the standard Jekyll layout to suit my own needs, and hence I'm not using any standard GEM based theme but making my own.

The following section is an attempt to explain this structure a bit.

Directory Description
_data Contains all the site collections, except for pages & posts
_includes Contains all the partials. Think of them as reusable Liquid components
_layouts Layout templates. These are like _includes but on a bigger scale
_posts Contains blog posts in Markdown format.
_sass Contains the source code for this website's styles.
pages The directory that contains all the pages. Includes tutorials too.
blog This is technically a page, but in a separate directory because of needs
ppt This directory contains slides for all the presentations I've ever given

The rest of the things are the same as any other site. I've certain components in this site, but I'll be documenting them once the new theme is totally done. Otherwise redundant operation.

Until then, cya!