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Rest Assured Automation Framework with TestNG and Cucumber integration, along with multiple reporting tools - Extent Reports, Allure Reports, Maven Cucumber Report and Faker library, Azure Devops, Docker Setup and relevant dependencies.

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RestAssured APIAutomation Framework

Rest Assured Automation Framework with TestNG and Cucumber integration, along with multiple reporting tools - Extent Reports, Allure Reports, Maven Cucumber Report and Faker library, Azure Devops, Docker Setup and relevant dependencies.

Tech Stack

  1. Java
  2. Rest Assured
  3. TestNG
  4. Cucumber
  5. Docker Containerization
  6. Azure Devops

Included/Features Implemented

RestAssured Framework with TestNG

  1. Rest Assured with TestNG Framework to test and validate APIs
  2. Examples on JSON Parsing, OAuth 2.0 Authentication and getting Token, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH operations
  3. Extent Report 5.x for generating Reports for TestNG Test Run
  4. POJO classes and relevant dto classes for generating Data and using in Tests
  5. Properties file and relevant classes to utilise it
  6. TestNG Custom Annotations and RetryAnalyzer listeners
  7. Sample XML files to run Tests based on Groups/Parallel

RestAssured Framework with Cucumber

  1. Rest Assured with Cucumber Framework to test and validate APIs
  2. Examples on Features files, Steps Definations to execute test based on Rest Assured, Runner for TestNG, Hooks and Tags
  3. Allure Report -> Enabled for Cucumber Execution
  4. Maven Cucumber Report -> Enabled for Cucumber Execution
  5. Cucumber Cloud Report -> Enabled for Cucumber Execution

Common to the Framework

  1. Dockerfile -> to create the Image of the project, copying relevant JARs and Files and Entrypoint to specify Test Execution
  2. docker-compose.yaml -> to run the Image in Docker container and getting the test-output to local system by Volume Mapping
  3. azure-pipelines.yml -> to build the Maven project and run the Tests by specifying the testNG xml suite and build and push the Docker image to repository
  4. pom.xml -> maven pom.xml specifying all the dependencies and plugins for goals, reports and running the specified testNG xml suite on runtime (locally/jenkins/azuredevops)
  5. TestNG XML -> XMLs for regular testNG tests and Cucumber tests
  6. Examples on PropertiesFile to read values from file, ENUM to pass value to properties method, RestAssured logging, JSONPath wrapper classes

Not Included/Yet to be Done

  1. Parallel Execution Examples for Cucumber Tests
  2. Excel Read/Write
  3. Email APIs to send Reports
  4. Jenkinsfile -> for creating and pushing Image to Docker repository

Known Caveats

  1. mvn test command won't work due to surefire plugin which requires testNG xml suite to be selected, will throw this error Execution default-test of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test failed: testSuiteXmlFiles0 has null value
  2. Maven commands to run Cucumber classes like mvn test –DCucumber.options="Your Options" won't run due to beforementioned issue
  3. Test Failures on parallel mode(Thread safety and code optimization for parallel execution is not done)


Building Docker Image

  1. Maven Command to Prepare Jars before running Dockerfile -> mvn clean package -DskipTests
  2. To Build Docker Image, run command: "docker build -t preferredImageName:latest ." "docker build -t rest-assured-apis:latest ."

Setting Up Student API for Tests

  1. StudenAPITest -> requires Docker Image to be running on local to hit the API Endpoints
  2. Run command -> docker pull tejasn1/student-app
  3. Run command -> docker run -p 8085:8080 -d tejasn1/student-app
  4. Check the link for additional instructions to setup

Maven Commands to Run Tests

  1. Maven Command to Execute TestNG xml suite to run TestNG Tests -> mvn clean package test -DsuiteXmlFile=xml-suites/$TESTSUITE; replace $TESTSUITE with the xml name
  2. Maven Command to Execute TestNG xml suite to run Cucumber classes -> mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile=xml-suites/$TESTSUITE; replace $TESTSUITE with the xml name for Cucumber classes
  3. Maven Command to generate jars for Docker image -> mvn clean package -DskipTests

Generate Reports

  1. Maven Cucumber HTML Report
    • Run Maven Command - mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile=xml-suites/$TESTSUITE verify; replace $TESTSUITE with the TestNG xml containing Cucumber classes
    • The POM Plugin defines the report generation phase as verify hence verify is appended to above step, this phase can be changed to test,compile etc
    • The Report by default will be generated under target/cucumber-html-reports
    • Only available through Maven Run
  2. Allure Reports for Cucumber
    • Run Maven Command - ***mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile=xml-suites/$TESTSUITE ***; replace $TESTSUITE with the TestNG xml containing Cucumber classes
    • Run Command In Terminal to check Allure Reports post Cucumber Tests -> allure serve allure-results
    • Also available when Runner class is selected and test is Run
  3. Cucumber Report
    • Run Maven Command - ***mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile=xml-suites/$TESTSUITE ***; replace $TESTSUITE with the TestNG xml containing Cucumber classes
    • Post run the URL will be visible in the Terminal along with the URL
    • The Report by default will be generated under target/JsonReports/cucumber.html; the path is specified in pom and cucumberrunner class
    • Also, available when Runner class is selected and test is Run
  4. Extent Reports for TestNG Runs
    • Run Maven Command - ***mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile=xml-suites/$TESTSUITE ***; replace $TESTSUITE with the TestNG xml containing TestNG Tests
    • Post Run the report will be generated under test-reports, configurable via properties and Extent Report implementation
    • Also, available when Tests are selected and run, individually or class level

Running Tests in Docker Setup

  1. DockerCompose command -> docker-compose up to run the Container and automatically execute the Tests(as specified in the Entrypoint) for the specified Image(in this case the image built using Dockerfile which is present locally)
  2. Volume Mapping in Dockercompose -> Specify the local system path for which the test-output directory from the container will be copied
  3. Specifying Env variables in Dockercompose -> The Env variables that is required for Entrypoint(as specified in Dockerfile) is read from the .env file, change the parameters as per requirement

Common Troubleshoot

Maven Tests

  1. mvn test - will throw error since the surefire plugin in POM expect TestNG XML file to be specified

Docker Setup

  1. Test-output is not getting copied to Local system -> Check Volume Mappings in Docker compose file as per the Local Environment
  2. suiteXMLFile is getting null on running docker compose -> Check correct parameter/xml file is specified in .env file which is used by docker-compose file for Environment variables
  3. Tests Not Running on Docker Compose file ->
    • Check if any project related additional files like properties are not copied to Docker Image, any changes in Entrypoint needs to be cross checked in docker-compose file
    • Check if the ENTRYPOINT specified in Dockercompose is proper or not
  4. Running Docker Image in Interactive Mode -> Comment out Entrypoint with #, use the command "docker run -it ", ex: "docker run -it rest-assured-apis" to verify if all dependent Jars and files are copied

Issues with API Endpoints

  1. Tests not hitting the Endpoints -> API endpoints for the Tests are hosted by 3rd parties, possibly they could have been shut down or have been changed, please check free APIs from any-api, reqres to practice

Special Thanks

Special Thanks to many Instructors who have done a splendid job on explaining and designing framework

  • Rahul Shetty
  • Rahul Arora
  • And many more from which I learnt trouble-shooting points for Jenkins, Dockers, etc through YouTube, StackOverFlow and Articles


Rest Assured Automation Framework with TestNG and Cucumber integration, along with multiple reporting tools - Extent Reports, Allure Reports, Maven Cucumber Report and Faker library, Azure Devops, Docker Setup and relevant dependencies.







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